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Everything posted by Steph

  1. must not must not must not must not mention clear base on earliest sunbursts must not must not must not
  2. Thanks for playing! Those are nice ones. I have another perfect boring one. *hunting for the pictures* Not finding it but I'm finding other fun pictures I haven't seen in awhile. lol
  3. One I just posted in the Jackson thread. Under blacklight:
  4. Still don't have my dug ones photographed but I found these pics while I was looking for something else. It's a Jackson. And under blacklight:
  5. Did my pictures not show up? Yikes, I just went to Photobucket and it looks like Photobucket might be broken. I can see my pix, but that may be because they're in my cache. Gosh, I hope this is a temporary situation. Losing Photobucket would be bad. [Edit: Now Photobucket says they're doing some maintenance.] I've replaced the picture. There is my strange gray and orange cat eye in all its glory.
  6. While I was looking for my relatively boring sparklers, I ran across this marble again. It's hideous. But to me fascinating. A single-seam cat's eye. I don't have a good guess for who made it. That's not a Vitro arrangement. It's four thin long vanes. Mostly gray but with some orange. I showed off the orange side in the picture but in hand it's mainly gray. Who made a gray cat's eye? The base is very clear, which makes it seem unlikely to be Asian.
  7. Steph

    Teaberry Gum

    I don't know what Teaberry or Pepto taste like. Maybe I'll try Teaberry.
  8. Some of my Salvador Dali sparklers are minimal in color. I just went through my dug Akro box to look at the colors up close and found one which didn't make the cut to get into this picture because it was so dull. I'm sure I have a couple of not-too-colorful round sparklers somewhere but I can't find them right now.
  9. Just out of curiosity, what does that cover of that box look like?
  10. I presumed it was about manufacturer. The qualification to be a Sparkler is Akro made it and called it a Sparkler. The qualification for being a Sunburst is Master made it ... and called at least some of them Sunbursts ... though I think the Sunburst name has been generalized to a larger variety of Master marbles than Master may have intended it for. Edit to add: And to me Hansel's marbles look like they were made by Akro. Except for the stone agates of course.
  11. You often hear about ghost cores. I don't know about dark cores.
  12. I immediately thought Sparklers. So I'll put in one vote for them.
  13. Fun group there. I might have guessed Japanese on that last one. Well actually, I probably would have guessed American. But then for my second guess maybe Japanese. But now I want to know more about marbles from South America, don't you?
  14. LOL ... I posted here and it didn't show up. Maybe I shouldn't have said what I said! I mentioned eggyolk.
  15. I only have one and mine's one of the fakes or otherwise newer bottles. I had a nice exchange about it with someone at a bottle collecting page. I think this might be the page I was looking at: http://www.codds-n-odds.co.uk/index.html
  16. I saw that commercial yesterday and was jealous. I wish we had floors where kitties can play. We had a floor like that before we moved here. When things rolled off they went to an accessible corner that the cats loved. Here things roll to spots with carpet or under the piano and aren't fun anymore.
  17. Hi Diane. Is this the link? https://www.facebook.com/events/753919601322687/ There is also a Marble Weekend group page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/700379193317745
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