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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I totally believe you, Winnie. Habits are hard to break. I'll practice calling them Amsterdam swirls.
  2. LOSING MY MARBLES Glass Mosaic Mural by Lisa Dinhofer, Port Authority Bus Terminal Subway Station, New York City https://www.flickr.com/photos/jag9889/2834378766/
  3. I keep forgetting that -- about you not being born in Canada. What kind of accent do you have?
  4. Idle curiosity ... are the Bulgarians using oxblood?
  5. Aw man, I think I want to move to England.
  6. Sorry to let you down. I'm a bit afraid of fire though.
  7. Looks like a mix of makers in that group, Bo. The one on the right in the first pic looks like Marble King.
  8. Very wire-pully ... could it be Vacor spaghetti? Did those come in orange? Is it clear base with orange ribbon? Or orange base with light ribbon?
  9. Oh no! Such a sad surprise.
  10. The internet is a wondrous thing. You can buy a strange food for the first time from that little Asian market around the corner -- yes, before tonight I was a bok choy virgin. Then google it up and find out which parts are edible and how to prepare it -- pretty much all edible, but cook the stalk longer than the leaves, the latter to be cooked just until they look wilted. And presto change-o yum. Instant pad-thai-in-a-cup with stir fried bok choy. *two thumbs up*
  11. I think not all "ades" react to UV. Not sure though. I stubbornly call them Moss Agates, which covers both glowers and non-glowers, so I keep not learning all the different collectors' distinctions, even though I sort of think I'd like to know the current names.
  12. Galen has posted a pic of a jar of yellow Akro patches. That might be interesting to look at again now. I'd try to pull it up for you, but I think I lost a lot of pictures while preparing for my last computer reformat. I'll have to try to find my last backup.
  13. Well, I had too many windows open while I was responding to the listing titled "Master ?Akro? Sparkler? Sunburst ...M- 45/64". http://www.ebay.com/itm/231334486714 It seems possible that it's Akro. I wouldn't call it a sparkler though. Some signs point to Master but there is an Akro family of yellow patches with a little white. Is the base glass green-tinted or is that a trick of the lighting? Maybe someone else can readily ID it.
  14. In the cherry-ade lot, I wouldn't say carnelian because I'm not seeing the brown I would expect for those. So while I'm not sure when everyone else uses the name cherry-ade, I'll guess you've listed those okay.
  15. Steph

    Eeek, My Mouse

    The old one is working right now. The new one worked while I had it switched on but I'm gonna keep it on reserve in case the old one freezes again. Devices which need batteries instead of cords just don't seem green but hubbers made it sound like cords were no longer an option ... at least not in the electronics section at our WalMart where he was doing the emergency mouse run. Bowling-ball mouse?
  16. Steph

    Eeek, My Mouse

    Doh! I didn't turn the new mouse on. Since when do you have to switch meeses on?
  17. Could be decoration. I've bought many orbs over the last 30 years which weren't for any particular purpose, and definitely not toys. Miscellaneous items in curio shops.
  18. Those are sharp. ... I'll let someone else address nomenclature
  19. My mouse stopped working yesterday. After restarts sometimes it still wouldn't work and sometimes it would work for a couple of minutes. The computer had been slowing down for awhile so I did a quick save of My Documents and reformatted. .... for a little bit that looked like it might have solved the mouse problem. But nooooo .... so hubby brought me home a new mouse. Which the computer says is recognized. But which doesn't move the pointer. It's wireless, and we have our router and the phone nearby so I wonder if that's interfering with the signal. Meanwhile, back to the old mouse and hoping it will work. For the past several minutes it has, so maybe whatever was wrong yesterday has fixed itself. ??? ??? But if I disappear ... you know the drill ... no need to worry about me. It's just a mouse. Send me a friendly thought across the ether.
  20. Bob's posts are like opening a coffee table book on the art of commercials.
  21. The very earliest Sunbursts had clear bases -- the Tiger Eye styles. But I'm still confident Hansel's are Akro. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/6684-mostly-pix-master-made/
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