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Everything posted by Steph

  1. If they were coin flips so that you had a 50-50 chance of heads on each flip, then I think it would be a 6.25% chance of getting 4 heads out of 4 flips versus a 5.47% chance of getting 8 or 9 or 10 heads out of 10 flips. With 4 flips, there are 16 possibilities, so the 1 with 4 heads would have a 1/16 chance of happening. If there were 10 flips, then there are 1024 possibilities. There are 45 ways to get 8 heads, 10 ways to get 9 heads, and 1 way to get 10 heads, giving a 56/1024 chance of 8, 9 or 10. I think.
  2. The time has come. The signal has gone out. The revolution is beginning. Cats worldwide are making their move. World domination is now only a matter of when, not if.
  3. Okay, gigantic K&M just went on my wanted list.
  4. I thought Fatima because I figured that with 10 marbles the draws would be more likely to hover around the average. I figured it would be easier to get an extreme draw when you only had to pull 4 marbles than when you had to pull 10. Now Mike is making me doubt my answer. I don't think I have enough game marbles around to check. I think I could set up the formulas to compute the probability but it's been a loooong time. It would be good for me though, right?
  5. I chose Fatima. I forgot to consider whether the marbles were put back into the jar after each draw. I'm not sure that would matter though.
  6. they weren't game marbles or cat's eyes The test creator had good taste.
  7. Here was a cool side-by-side Carole posted to compare shades, with the Chocolate Cow in the middle. And a sunlight view of hers:
  8. I don't remember ever seeing anyone talk about ringers not having fire, or having fire. Just that they're like Popeye with white and clear but only one other color. Yes, ringer was a name on a box, presumably letting kids know it was for the ringer marble game. Yes, I think they contained more than one type of marble. I haven't ever seen any indication that Akro intentionally ran a line which matched our description of ringer. So the question is which marble line that Akro did resulted in the marbles we call ringers. I posted that many people think it's the watery Moss Agates which are the ones people think of as ringers. But Ann made me remember that Aces could fit the description people use for ringer, and might fit it better than Moss Agates do.
  9. If they have fire, they were probably Aces. If they have some milky but no fire, then probably Moss Agates. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! ... And thanks for making my brain click too. I hadn't thought about Aces being in the group which get called Ringers, but they certainly could be.
  10. I like! Now I'm going to use that name for clownfishes and sunsets and always make sure to give credit to you, Galen.
  11. A couple of my facebook friends said it was nothing so I stopped worrying. Didn't think about glass jumping off of shelves. Glad you're okay.
  12. Dave!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
  13. Hi Chris. Welcome. The marbles in this jar look modern to me, with many made in the last 10 or so years. Made in Mexico and China, some still available for purchase new. My advice based on these views would be to pass.
  14. The clump of melted marbles from the Chicago Fire of 1871
  15. I'm not sure I'm picturing this right, but here goes: http://www.mamasmiles.com/global-games-playing-marbles-in-france/
  16. By the way, it is my opinion, which I think several share, that the marbles which some think of as Ringers were versions of that. One color moss agate corks, which could sometimes have enough clear to seem like they were more related to the Popeyes than to the Mosses.
  17. Limbless amphibians. These guys: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caecilian
  18. Kewl! p.s., everyone, they can be magnified if you follow the link to photobucket
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