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Everything posted by Steph

  1. So, okay to call it a brain even with different colors? I'm asking on behalf of a friend and I want to get it right.
  2. So one more question. For it to be a brain, the ribbon color needs to be purple? Or would other colors also count?
  3. We've had a couple of good Ravenswood threads. Time for another. What have you got? keeperthread
  4. Those are beautiful. I think I'm falling in love with guineas.
  5. Very comely. No, really, those are interesting.
  6. Uncomely? Are you trying to hurt Craig's feeling?
  7. I have yet to even have touched a gutta percha. Can't remember ever seeing the black and green combo before.
  8. Oh yeah, don't you hate guineas and that other junk? (I'd be surprised to hear that purpley sulphides were made on purpose. ... Except that some were purposely aged.)
  9. The artist says the dots are marbles. They're probably gems, but that's okay, right? http://www.youronlineagents.com/craftymosaics/viewcustompage.php?id=8824
  10. Nice. I thought I might put in a token bid. Oh well, my token "fantasizing about it even though I couldn't get it" bid has already been passed. (:
  11. Yeah, they do look like Alley to me. But glad we've pinned down the marbles. Thanks! I have something to tell the friend who was asking about them.
  12. How many colors on this one? Looks like a lot of shades in the photos.
  13. Loving ALL the mibs. Bill, the shape in those underwater shots is fascinating.
  14. Thanks, Jeff. And good luck to Linda.
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