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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I keep thinking I should come up with some commercials to entertain you with, but I can hardly make myself watch them. Without thinking, I leave the room when they come on and wander around and sometimes forget to go back and watch the show.
  2. I LOVE the crystal supermen. When I opened my box my first thought was about those superballs we used to play with. Then I took out the marble in the middle and it was like a three color snake, the yellow and blue and red ribbon running around the outside of the marble in nice cork. I also have at least a couple of those double twist ones ... what is that action called? ... now that I have some I need to learn the name ... The red/white/gray/crystal combo is also nice in a somewhat more muted but handsome way. And then there are a couple with lavender and yellow. Interesting design. I like.
  3. The one-inch Jabos sometimes looked a LOT like parrots to me even though I was cognizant of the big difference in the base. There was just something parrot-y about the motion of the 1"-ers.
  4. Macon? Athens? Does that mean you're in Georgia?
  5. I had a list of the names of about 400 contemporary artists. I don't know about their signatures though.
  6. One segment of the Peltier Glass Co. mural in Ottawa, Illinois More scenes here: http://pickusottawail.com/murals/peltier-glass-factory/ ^^ click on the pics there for bigger views
  7. The Marble King of Britain http://www.marbleking.co.uk/storepage490188.aspx
  8. Some interesting color combos. That top left one is different (and pretty).
  9. I was thinking it was Alley and you were just coming around to agreeing. But I just looked up the Alley I thought it resembled and it doesn't look as much like that one as I thought. Not even close really. (Pretty sure I had Paul's Kurly Blush in mind. link)
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