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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Really pretty and you show them off so nicely. The gypsy display makes a rich background.
  2. Steph

    Dr. Who

    A new season with a new doctor premieres sometime in the next few days. I haven't paid attention to the dates because I don't have cable so I have to wait for PBS or DVD. But you have a chance to get in on the ground floor with the newest regeneration, played by Peter Capaldi.
  3. I still look forward to almost all marble books I hear about. They're labors of love. I can't afford every new book of course. Wish I could.
  4. lol ... yeah, I look JUST like that! Yep. I'm alive. Only bleeding a little. Some kids were calling out to me, asking me if I like skating and if I'm any good at it. Yes, I say, and not very ...that's why I need to keep my eyes on the *splat*. So there were children running into the street hollering at oncoming traffic not to kill me. *eep*
  5. If you never hear from me again, that's why.
  6. lol @ "old crap" What a wonderful dollhouse, if that's what it would be called. I've never seen anything quite like it. Never realized before how roofs and doors take away from what you can do with the interior.
  7. Interesting that such slaggy looking marbles came from cane with all the white on the outside.
  8. beautiful he turned them into treasures
  9. Nice! Did you pose that or find it that way? Ah ... I think I see my answer in the wizard thread.
  10. Hi Jane. I saw the thumbnails before I read your description. Caught me by surprise to see the right one was modern. Pretty cool.
  11. Let's see some striped transparents. Just for fun.
  12. The calendars of the future will be animated, right?
  13. A whole bunch of purty rocks: http://share.ojooo.com/these-32-mineral-specimens-are-stunningly-beautiful
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