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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I just learned that in 1975 if you collected marbles you might have a "single point candle swirl".
  2. (p.s., I agree with the Sky above) Names from 1927 tiger-eyes, bowlers, agates, glassies, sugar-tops, peewees, mibs, mossies, knicks, bullseyes, plumpers, shooters Current combined list: agate, agates, aggie, aggies, allies, alley, alleys, bamboozler, blackies, blockbuster octopus, blockbusters, blood alley, bloodies, blue alley, blue candy stripes?, bolders, bowlers, bullseyes, chaney alleys, chinas, Chinas, chinee, Chinees, clayies, clearies, cloudies, combos, commies, commons, cornelian, crockie, crockies, crokers, crystals, doughie, doughies, ducks, Englishies, flinties, glass agate, glass agates, glassies, halfies, houses, kimmies, klogknocker (sp? clogknocker?), immies, knicks, man, megs, men, mibbs, mibs, middles, miggle, miggs, migs, milkies, mossies, nickers, peedabs, peewee's, peewees, pimples, plasters, plumpers, pot-eyes, potashes, potteries, pures, reallies, red eyes, red moonstone?, ringers, robin's eggs, root beer cleary, shooters, steelies, stony alleys, sugar-tops, taw, 3 line cleary, tiger-eyes, tolley, Tom, Tom troller, white alley, -- including all the spelling variants and singulars and plurals even if that may seem silly -- just in case -- the two question marks so far are because I wasn't sure whether the color was part of the name or just a description -- some names may not represent what we use the words for now -- for example "blackies" may be different from Vitro's version Current foreign terminology: gudes (Brazil), Torrah (Africa), bowls (England), bolitas (South America), "kicking the marbles" (China)
  3. Here's a little bit of color connected with the lawsuit Akro filed against Pelter.
  4. I have only seen a pic. .... and some ads which looked like they could be for it. Or for similar gift packaging. I don't know that I ever saw an illustration in the ads. Can't remember the year for sure. 1926 is what comes to mind. Maybe I can find those, just for curiosity sake. Marquee Marbles pic: Edit: Yes, I found gift boxes with several combinations of items along with ties and marbles, from 1926 to at least the early 30's. I found Akro Agate mentioned once specifically in 1926. Not with that exact combo of items. Don't recall a notebook mentioned in any ad. Some of the items mentioned were pens, razors and harmonicas. Not sure what else. Again, may update.
  5. My thought is that the ones with Marble King are backfilled by people who associated Berry Pink with the Marble King company, not understanding that Pink's use of the Marble King brand came long before Marble King company marbles started to be made. Any disagreement?
  6. Steph

    Pasta Poll

    I cook Thai rice noodles now and then. http://www.thaitable.com/thai/ingredient/thai-rice-noodles Gave up on traditional pasta long ago. Will eat some of hubby's but won't cook my own.
  7. Have you checked into ebay's policies regarding auctions for charity? I _think_ I have heard of them cancelling auctions which were said to be for charity because they do it in an ebay-approved way. If you've already gone through all that, ignore me. But better safe than sorry.
  8. It appears that three minutes would be a fast time for that game.
  9. Oh man, what a wild one. They kept going all night. It was great. I better get to bed now to try to get at least a couple of hours sleep, eh?
  10. Thanks, everyone. The cats are still playing coy, pretending like nothing is up.
  11. Still my favorite: http://yourshot.nationalgeographic.com/photos/4377229/
  12. I thought I had escaped notice! Thank you. ♥♥♥ Would you believe not a single one of my cats wished me happy birthday. Maybe they're planning a surprise party for later.
  13. Hi Dave. How are you? I would expect them to all have Pelts. Champion was a Pelt packaging name when Berry Pink was jobbering for them. Later, if I recall correctly, he started jobbering Pelts in a very similar box but it said "Marble King" instead of "Champion". And it's possible that some of those boxes which say Marble King on them may have been sold with Alleys.
  14. Here's a page I recall about Ilmenau: http://www.schwarzmurmler.de/mmk.htm
  15. Not tooo uncommon. Well, the fold does a little extra something for the pattern.
  16. Steph

    I Got A Camera!

    Now I has a sad. Like I failed a vital test. I just picked a name I recognized at a price I could afford. Don't remember seeing a Nikon. Did see a Sony. It was pretty close to a whim purchase. Would have been entirely a whim if the clerk had responded to the customer service call on Friday afternoon when I was wandering around after scheduling an eye exam. It was just slightly less of a whim because I had a night to think it over and talk to the hubby and do a quick online search for reviews before I went back to the optician the next morning. I was pretty sure I missed out on some of the best cameras because the camera display case was close to empty. But I figured I couldn't go wrong with a Canon.
  17. Good deal. I'm glad something good has come of this. Best of luck to you.
  18. Yeah, we hear a lot of bad things about them any more. But when someone is enthusiastic about them, I don't want to stomp on their dreams. I expect some common sense things to happen. I can sort of picture them trying to avoid ebay but I didn't imagine they would actually say your marbles were not your marbles. And yet, after all I've heard before, I'm not surprised.
  19. http://www.fcgov.com/artspublic/transformer_cabinets-2009.php
  20. No more excuses. It's a point and shoot, but it's a Canon. So now it's all on me if I can't figure out how to take a nice picture.
  21. Steph


    Thanks! That's rougher than cement.
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