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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Hopefully they do have to have the choking hazard warning. I had no idea what I had stumbled onto when I did my usual casual Akro googling last night.
  2. Thanks for the better link and the extra pic. Wow. That's incredible that they would be allowed to lay legal claim on someone else's old logo. Before this I wouldn't have seen any impediment to Craig making Akro shirts at Zazzle. No one owned the trademark on the logo (I presume). Anyone and everyone could use it for fun repro items (I presume). Now, Rhyne owns it and Craig's shirt project and repro box projects could be in violation of the law? So .... did the patent office just not recognize it as someone else's old logo? Or is there nothing wrong with taking someone's old logo as your own, legally and exclusively as long as you pay the fee and express a credible plan to use it in commerce?
  3. Wow. Thanks. You got some good detail on that!
  4. After a company goes out of business it's natural they would let their trademarks lapse. So then if the trademark has lapsed then lots of people could theoretically use it for their projects, right? It doesn't make sense that someone else could take ownership of it ... unless it was sold to them by the owner. Master acquired rights to the Akro name after Akro closed. So if Master passed the rights on to someone else and Rhyne & Son received it that way, then that sounds odd but okay. But if this is a case of someone scooping up expired trademarks ... that seems wrong somehow. Like trying to copyright something which is already in the public domain. Any lawyers here who could set me straight on this?
  5. On my Akro box the crow has one in its beak and one in each claw. The trademark owner: Rhyne & Son, Inc. ... who call themselves "The name in Quality Antiques & Reproductions for over 40 years". www.rhyneandson.com
  6. Did someone re-register the Akro logo this year? http://www.legalforce.com/aakro-agates-shoot-straight-as-a-kro-flies-85834165.html Filing date 1/28/2013 ???? How would that be allowed? What does it mean? Someone would have the legal right to make reproduction packaging ... and would be the only one with that right?
  7. Would someone please pass the magnifying glass? http://www.auctionflex.com/showlot.ap?co=1&weiid=5206426&lang=En Akro Agate Prize Contest Prizes will be awarded for the 10 best slogans expressing the quality and beauty of Akro Agates---why boys and girls prefer them, etc. Contest was announced at least by November 1930. Slogans must be 10 words or less to be considered. Hurry. Contest closes on May 1, 1931. Neatness counts.
  8. Steph


    Got some "peanut satay sauce" from the Thai store around the corner. Don't know if it's the "right" sauce. Haven't had it enough over the decades. But gonna try it now. Hopefully it will turn my breaded chicken strips into something exotic, eh?
  9. A lutz cave looking out at the moon on the lake.
  10. Hmmmm .... somehow I don't think that made the top 5.
  11. I have a 1931 list of prizewinners for the Akro Slogan Contest -- the names of the boys and girls, not the actual winning slogans. I don't remember seeing anything showing the terms of the contest. Anyone know about that?
  12. But what does anatidaephobia mean? I don't mind if someone reports me for hijacking this thread.
  13. Yep, that zoom helps a lot. Third try: 22050 points. And I made wild guesses on the last two coz I got impatient. Got the right continent on those at least. Sorry, I don't hate you yet. It's still fun.
  14. I just noticed that there is a zoom on the panel where you make your guesses. That's going to help a lot scorewise, though it was sort of fun to try to find Polish and Canadian towns on the big map without seeing any boundaries.
  15. I think the word is "perseverate".
  16. I can bump the thread with a little ad for marbles in the "Sunset" line. Somewhere I also have a story of them being given away as a tournament prize. Oh, are simple rainbos welcome? Fizzy 7-ups.
  17. Pete posted this one on facebook -- Bus stop in Greensboro NC All the marbles GSO's Newest Public Art Provides Shelter
  18. Well, I don't have any. I can't even picture what you mean. What would a Missouri package look like?
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