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Everything posted by Steph

  1. While in the neighborhood, here's one orbboy posted which looks like one in the Reg'lar Fellers set. He said a sliver under 3/4".
  2. Here's a Reg'lar Fellers puzzle box which said "Made in Japan", though some suggested it was only the box and not the marbles which were made there. The seller said these marbles were 11/16".
  3. Here's an itty bitty picture of a box, and a pic of its label. Got the pictures from a Marblealan auction. Don't know who got the box. Here is what the auction description said:
  4. Here's an assortment including some with what looks like oxblood and some with aventurine: Ooops, these wouldn't all be called patches, would they. Well, I don't mind non-patches if you don't mind.
  5. Whether common or rare. This can have information for the new collectors and unusual treasures for the old.
  6. GP, those two with the blue ribbons and translucent base look like modern MK's to me. Does look a little like a Pelt Blue Angel now that you mention it, but there are differences, including a lack of yellow on the MK.
  7. I'm loving the insight into the bead collectors community. I've often thought about how there are probably things we could learn from bead collectors about the history of the glass-sphere-making industry but I've never followed through on that and visited their sites.
  8. Yes William, Sureshot. The red and tan one intrigued me too. I wondered if it belonged there since it seems like it might be the only one of those. Not my box, just an old picture I saved.
  9. Anyone ever seen this bag before?
  10. I finally noticed the vintage containers. They were overwhelmed by the modern ones. Wondered why Mark would be interested.
  11. Well, I wouldn't choose the bluegreen egg crate but that's kinda a neat display idea ... for future reference of course.
  12. Hello Jfranke. Welcome! Thanks for jumping in!
  13. Well, I'd guess Alley on the three right. No vibe on the three left. Are they all the same maker?
  14. Some flowers for Randy for starting this thread: (not mine)
  15. Thanks for the history lesson! Now I'm going to be able to stop picturing you like the avatar you had when I first signed up.
  16. I collect old books, with a special interest in math textbooks. Culling down the collection. But that was my thing for a long time.
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