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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I think it's the aventurine green but it has a particularly pearly sheen. I know it's not typically called "pearlized" but but but .... What makes the pearlized pelt pearly? Is it different from what makes the Vitro pearly?
  2. That one color of Whitie keeps popping up as an example of pearlized glass from Vitro. Don't know about any other examples. Good question about what kind of glass was used.
  3. Here's one I sported for a coupla years. It's Scoop's dearly departed hamster Nilly doing her "talk to the hand" pose. I'm usually a kitten person but I loved that pose. Eventually one holiday I picked out a festive kitten and got back to my regular avis.
  4. We're in the middle of a thunderstorm, so I'm gonna have to turn things off. You guys have fun!
  5. I wasn't directing the sarcasm comment at you, Dot. I sent you a PM.
  6. Let's try to minimize the sarcasm in threads like this. Thanks! Dot, I really appreciate you showing us your find!
  7. I'd have said made in China if you hadn't mentioned Australia. What did the tag look like?
  8. Fun! Is this a travelling show? Or just a fantastic anonymous submarine which somehow found its way to your harbor?
  9. Neat. Long time since I've had a marble haul. Limeades can have oxblood, if that's what the question marks were about.
  10. I guess I should have mentioned the article is not on p. 274, in case anyone did a special search for it and ordered a copy of that page and was disappointed. The marble article is on p. 275. It's just a paragraph: Our cover picture will remind our readers of the amusing tournament for the marble championship of the United States, which takes place at Atlantic City about the first of June. "Sectional" champions are selected at tournaments in many cities, and the boys who win these meet in Atlantic City. If you want to find out whether there is a local tournament in your community, telephone or write to the sports editor of your local newspaper.
  11. Well, they had a depression bearing down on them pretty soon. And the kids were right in the middle of draft age when the war rolled around.
  12. I had to delete one post which was insulting and personal for no reason I could see. Maybe more should go. I hate to do that though. Please keep it clean.
  13. The seller has corrected the listing. I hope no one objects to calling them "fantasy". I used that word when I wrote her. Seemed a diplomatic way to explain the situation. I see she is still describing them as handmade but I didn't clarify that part to her and I don't want to quibble now.
  14. Oh hi, Mike, I just noticed the listing is yours. For some reason I thought it was Greg's. Beautiful marble.
  15. That's kinda what I was thinking, Galen. I have a much MUCH less interesting 3/4" marble I've been wanting to ask about. It has an NLR pattern but the glass looks newer. I figure the consensus will be rainbo if I ever get around to posting it, and then my takeaway will be that the big rainbos can have interesting structure.
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