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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Looks like a fabulous box -- Sunset Line. The picture is little though. Are those tri-colors on the top? Edit: Thanks for the bigger pic. Not tri-colors after all. Amazing box.
  2. I'm not familiar with the song. I found this on youtube. A poem ... is that the one?
  3. Nice button. I don't get the subject. *whoosh over my head*
  4. Okay, I see the description now. We're supposed to be looking at "bands/threads". All I saw was a dusting of sparkle over the top of the middle pic. *oops*
  5. Are we looking at the same features on Dan's marble? I'm looking at what seems like a mist of very fine glitter.
  6. That is Sami's enterprise: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/18384-american-marble-auctions/
  7. That inky blue one, #4 in Al's line-up, looks most literally calligraphic to me. #3 doesn't look like writing at all. May we agree that the term has become much more inclusive than when it was originally applied?
  8. Since it is diffuse, my guess would be that it was an accidental effect.
  9. Here's one Alan posted in 2007 as an example of what would have merited the name "calligraphy" years earlier: Here's one from Joemarbles.com which has been described as calligraphy. Similar ribbon action to yours. More activity though.
  10. Yes. That's usually all it takes. Sometimes odd characters in the address can make the link go wonky. But usually all you need to do is paste the address in the post. Then it automatically becomes a link.
  11. I was wondering what Chinese character yours might be. I actually don't think that Al's is a calligraphy marble. It's more about the style and abundance of the swirl, not about it saying any particular thing. Hopefully someone else will have some examples. Otherwise I'll see if I can find some in my files.
  12. Here's Patry's Lucky 7. On the left in the first photo. In the middle in the 2nd. She also thought it was a Vitro. Last I heard the maker was still in dispute. My main point is that whoever made it, that's the style of marble which was being called "Lucky 7" when I learned the name.
  13. I'm not 100% convinced on the Vitro vs. MK thing. That always used to be argued about. In any case, the only marbles I ever recall being called Lucky 7 had that kind of coverage. Not thin stripes. Maybe they weren't actually Marble King, but they did have essentially full coverage, whoever made them. Edna, at the top left side of your reply window, there should be an icon for "BBCode Mode". If you click on that, so that all those other buttons become dim, then maybe that will stop the problem you're having with the random font changes. Maybe you're accidentially clicking on the other buttons. Dimming them will inactivate them.
  14. It's not the marble I've previously seen described as a Lucky 7. This is closer to what I think of when I see that name: http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/1stop-rare-marble-king-lucky-7-marbles-stmarys
  15. From the sublime to the silly ....
  16. This commercial looks a little closer to the theme "Do you like things that roll?"
  17. This one was marbles on TV. Even though I'm sure it's not what you meant. I mostly wanna bump your thread, Bob. Can you blame me? (: free marbles commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVF2-ph8XnI
  18. What's the question? Are you asking if this is an uncommon combo to find at that size? I surely don't know the answer since I'm not aware of enough super-sized Akros to begin with.
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