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Posts posted by Steph

  1. Most photos here from auctions. Sources provided where I know them.

    What kind of "original packaging" is there for Jabo?

    Here's one bag and its auction description:

    This auction is for a 2001 Sistersville, West Virginia Marble Festival Commemorative Bag of Marbles. The sealed bag contains Jabo Classics that were packaged in Sistersville. The back/inside of the package is hand-numbered "# 993", along with the date "2001" and what appears to read "Ling Ling". If you don't have one, here's your chance at a limited-edition collectible!


  2. And now for more. Sources provided where I know them. I wasn't keeping track yet when I saved some of them.

    (click pix to enlarge)

    Hy-Grade bag:

    th_HyGrade001a.jpg th_HyGrade001b.jpg th_HyGrade001c.jpg



    Probably from a Marblealan auction:

    th_HyGrade002_a.jpg th_HyGrade002_b.jpg th_HyGrade002_c.jpg th_HyGrade002_d.jpg

    This one appears to have corks. Possibly Al's.

    th_Hygrade003a_Al.jpg th_Hygrade003b.jpg th_Hygrade003c.jpg

    Miscellaneous bags. Mostly patches.


    Hot Shot bag:

    th_Hotshot1a.jpg th_Hotshot1b.jpg th_Hotshot1d.jpg th_Hotshot1c.jpg

    Hot Shot. Marbles described as approx. 1 inch.

    th_HotShots_1inch.jpg th_HotShotsB.jpg th_HotShotsC.jpg

    Al's Hot Shot bag, and what he said about it. (3 were missing, a 4th was so great he pulled it out, and he replaced the 4 with corks which looked like they belonged -- the eggyolk oxblood is the one he pulled out)

    I just received this bag from a recent eBay purchase that seemed too low ( won't mention what my snipe bid was set at for high). Maybe the description of the small tear in the mesh or the fact there were only 47 marbles turned people away. But this is a hard-to-find bag. Anyway, when I got it, it was mainly Akro corkscrews with a few patches and 4 Carnelians in it (plus a surprise marble I'll post about separately in the Killer marbles forum).

    The hole in the mesh was just a small one but marbles could go in and out. I took the marbles out to photgraph and see what there was. There were just 47 as described. However, I do have extra corkscrews of the same style, etc. as the ones in the bag so I added 4 more (one to replace the marble I kept out of the bag). The rest went back in.

    Here's pics of the bag, the marbles and a picture of one of the neat patches in there.


  3. A lot of pix. Sources provided when I remember them.

    (click pix to enlarge)

    Note: There are many other pix in the links here:

    And a treasure trove here:

    Vitro Agate , Marbles And A Little History

    The sequel ;-):

    "the" Vitro Thread ! ( Part Deux ;-) Value, Rarity & Names

    Oh yeah, this has some lovely pix also, from a 1938 ad someone sent me.

    Vienna Vitros !!!

    Many of these are from Marblealan auctions:

    60 Vitro Agates:

    th_60VitroAgates_marblealan.jpg th_60VitroAgates_marblealan_b.jpg th_60VitroAgates_marblealan_c.jpg th_60VitroAgates_marblealan_d.jpg

    30 Vitro Agates:


    Vitro's Victory Agates:


    Vitro Conquerors:


    Agates, 5 of them, 5/8" to 21/32":


    Looks like a stock box. No identifying marks. Posted by Nancy at LOM. Boxes like this are shown under the name "Tri-Lite Marbles" in an early Vitro brochure.



    "More Or Less 100 Vitro Agates". If I understand correctly this box was filled in Vienna. It says Parkersburg because that was Vitro's mailing address even when the factory was in Vienna.



  4. Some more Pelts. Note: This Marble King label is from before the Marble King company was founded.

    Sunshine Rippled Wheat premium:


    Worcester Salt:


    (click to enlarge)

    And these playing it safe, with no marble company name, just "Glass Marbles":

    Morton's Salt:


    (click to enlarge)

    And then some more "Glass Marbles", in a Champion Jr. bag, but still not branded Peltier:


    One more Morton Salt bag. Is it missing marbles, or were some bags packed lighter?


    • Haha 1
  5. This went for $330 at auction in March. The seller described it as a "Fancy Jobber Box". (Who was the seller? Is the blue background Lloyd's trademark?)


    No. 5, National Onyx marbles:


    (that last view shows two dividers from inside the box)

    Chinko-Checko-Marblo box:


  6. Way too cool to miss. A printer's block. Here's the auction description:

    This is the old advertising stamp that was used in papers for the National Marble line that Peltier glass made. It is in excellent condition. The brown that you see on the stamp is not rust it is just the color in that area of the stamp. Around the Indian Head on the stamp it says National Marbles and around the bottom but covered you can see where it would have said on the original box of marbles The Peltier Glass Co. You can only see part of this on the stamp. Happy Bidding!!

    (click to enlarge)


  7. Some auction pix from the files. Sorry, wasn't keeping track of the sources yet when I saved most of these first ones.

    Note 1: the "click to enlarge" option isn't working right since the last forum upgrade. I need to edit this.

    Note2: There are many other pix in the links here, Compilation: Original Packaging and Links: Peltier

    1992 bag:


    2002 bag:


    This bag says, "Elect Cinamon Commisioner".


    (click to enlarge)

    What might the ages on these be? Some are Marble King?


    (click to enlarge)



    Vintage comics, in reproduction box:


    (click to enlarge)

    Another reproduction box:


    And a couple more reproduction boxes. I think the marbles are Marble King.


    And I think these would be originals:



    (click to enlarge)



  8. A couple more threads to look at:







    Most of these pix are from auctions. I try to keep track of sellers and other sources now, but when I started this thread I didn't have all the names stored, so I may still be missing some IDs.

    From past Rinesmarbles auctions, these are Alleys dug at Pennsboro, placing their date of origin around 1934-1937.









    Misshapen ones, showing a couple of interesting color combos:



    I'm fairly sure these were also said to have been dug at Pennsboro:


    Note: There are other pix in the links here, Compilation: Original Packaging.

    • Like 1
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  9. When I saw Ron's pix in the links in Post #5, I was confused about a couple of things! For one, I saw boxes that said Cloudy but I didn't see any Cloudies. Why? It turns out all of Ron's stock boxes said Cloudy on the end, but they had other things stamped on the top.

    The thing which made me do a major double take though was the box of master-made Uniques. Here's the Marble Mental thread where I asked him about those: Ron, your unique ....

    A couple of questions were left dangling at the end, but he took care of the main stuff in a fascinating way. The old storekeeper he got the boxes from still had the record of the original purchase. How cool is that.

    One of the dangling questions I'll go ahead and put to you here is, are there any books which list the Unique as a Master company name?

    Plus there are more pix of game marbles than the little 400 x 300 auction photos I have in Post #2 here. And I learned from one of the "game marble" pix that Master used the name Opal too.

    And there's a lot more, including scans from Stan Block's Marble Mania, which is packed with original packaging

  10. What are the dates for the Albright company?

    Would these "American commies" have been Albrights in 1933?

    (click to enlarge)


    Update: It appears that J. E. Albright was making clays in 1933. The Thomas' Registry dates for the J. E. Albright company are 1918 to 1937. See American Marble Companies, 1905-1942, at AkronMarbles.com for additional Albright listings and more information regarding the meaning of Thomas' Registry dates.

  11. Muslin bag full of clay marbles:

    (click to enlarge)


    That was in a Bob Block auction last month. He had this to say:

    NON-GLASS HANDMADE. Original package. An exceptionally rare item. This is an original muslin bag of clays from the Albright Company. The box is printed at the top "1000 - No. 16". In the center is the logo "Albright Brand Toy Marbles Full Count Made in U.S.A.". The bag was cut on two different occasions at the top, probably to inspect the marbles. The two cuts are sealed with two different kinds of thread or string. I have not opened it, but the bag is filled to bulging and No. 916s would be dyed clays. This is an exceptionally rare item. Albright packaging rarely comes up for sale. 10-1/2" x 8-1/2".

  12. gallery_279_55_139.gif

    Er, I mean, does the Akronmarbles site have a name for the kind of line Chuck's mib has?

    (Yes, I'm feeling smart about seeing that Chuck's mib might have been transitional ... but not smart enough to follow what akronmarbles is saying about pontils versus shearmarks ... okay? Okay. ^_^)

  13. Five 30-count mesh bags, in three colors of mesh:




    A 15-count mesh bag:


    This is from Marblebert's auction description of the 30-count bags:

    Playrite / Jackson

    "Playtime" Bag

    This is from Marblealan's description of the 15-count bag:

    I'm unsure which company made this bag; the only other packaging of which I'm aware using the term "Playtime" is a rare box from Cairo Novelty Co., though it is not known if they also packaged their marbles in net mesh.

  14. Being from St. Louis I am interested in getting some dig rights to the factory where Alox existed at one point in time. Not sure who owns the property or exactly where it is at but I bet it would be a good dig.

    That would be quite an adventure! Downright historical!

  15. Short answer: I think so.

    The first mesh bag looks like it. I'm pretty sure cat's eyes like that are post-1950 technology, and Alox had stopped making marbles by then.

    What I've read is that they first distributed others' marbles, then started making their own, then quit making their own, all before 1950, but at that point they had a huge backlog they still needed to distribute.

    p.s. My information as meager as it is, is cobbled together from a couple of sources and neither is American Machine-Made Marbles. Does that say anything more helpful about the subject?

    update: I have since read the Alox material in AMMM. And I have seen other Alox packaging from other sources. Alox has made more marbles than most people are aware of. I'm still puzzled about the presence of the cat's eyes, but it is true that Alox had cat's eyes in stock. In addition to whatever regular packaging they had, they also gave cats eyes away as a promotion to sell shoe laces.

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