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Speed Racer

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Everything posted by Speed Racer

  1. Try not to think of them as cross-thru, but rather almost too symetrical. Try putting the mib in with a lot of Rainbo's then mix them up and see just how quickly you can spot the same mib in the mix. Now throw it in another mix, this time all MK. Now see how fast you can spot it. It is all about color with the Rainbo's. In this case a 'Clear Rainbo' is only hard to find with more than just two colors. I sold one to Willie 'Boo' a few years back with four different colors in a clear base and I've never seen another since.
  2. They have a sort of Pelt 'clown' colors going on. Neat MK's.
  3. Actually in this case (patches) the more ox the better. Patches with a little ox fetch around 10 each, but up to 20 and 30 dollars if really covered in blood, or at least that is what I have gotten for them here in Austin over the last fifteen years or so. Hope this helps.
  4. Your (yel) mibs are Pelts Ric. Same as Steph's but I'm not sure if I'm seeing the same thing (Pelt) in the darker (orng) ones. The color is very importannt for the ID in this case. I'm seeing Peltier for sure in the lighter ones, and MK in the others.
  5. The bottom marked with an N might be Capodimonte. Is the N mark crowned on top? That would keep all the components in Italy.
  6. I believe these are a bisque type of glass... Bisque, or biscuit is an unglazed porcelaine, and has nothing to do with your glass examples. If they are dull or rough looking, it is just wear and tear on the glass over the years. We call it pocket-wear, but yours are looking pretty 'wet' to me. In other words, mint examples, but I would need to see them in hand before making a 'condition' call.
  7. The colors remind me of Hansel's 'Lightening Strike' handmades. So I guess that would make them German in origin. Could be some VERY RARE handmades you have there. If you intend to sell them, put them on Ebay with no pre-sales. Of course if these turn out to be on the contemporary side, all bets are off. Good luck with them!!
  8. My thought is to call till you get the right one. If he is no longer residing in Indiana maybe a sibling or other relative is at one of the listed #'s below. Also you might try facebook, just search his name and see if you recognize him in any of the pictures. Hope this helps. Larry D Wells 11141 Falls Church Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46229 317-894-5888 Larry D Wells 51346 Orange Rd, South Bend, IN 46628 574-277-2441 Larry J Wells 10835 N Tobacco Landing Rd SE, Laconia, IN 47135 812-737-1145 Larry Wells 1681 W County Road 100 N, Greencastle, IN 46135 765-653-6108 Larry D Wells 2794 Blake Rd, Portage, IN 46368 239-334-4149 Larry J Wells 5455 E 775 N, Monticello, IN 47960 574-278-6497 Larry Wells 433 S Orchard Rd, Salem, IN 47167 812-883-6489 Larry J Wells 275 Nancy Dr, Kokomo, IN 46901 765-457-6284 Larry Wells 10020 Wheatfield Cir, Fort Wayne, IN 46825 260-471-7982 Larry D Wells 2324 Chestnut St, Columbus, IN 47201 812-379-4383 Larry Wells 1834 Broadway St, Anderson, IN 46012 765-640-0408 Larry F Wells 3940 W 100 N, Huntington, IN 46750 260-356-1227 Larry Wells 409 Aspen St, Hebron, IN 46341 219-996-5607
  9. Come on in, the connection is getting better every day!
  10. Looks like glass from here. Reminds me of the older Czech designs.
  11. Yes thank you Edna! You have seemingly endless time and energy, and we love you!
  12. Hello and thanks for asking. I am in Texas and have participated in a few of the Texas shows. The event is held on a Saturday, but if you come a day or two early you can join in on the 'room hopping'. That is, when you arrive at the hotel you ask which floor the marble collectors are on (they are all on the same floor for everyone's convenience), and then ride the elevator up to marble heaven where you will find individual sellers with their room doors open for trading or buying or selling marbles and marble related items. Marbles are usually laid out on the beds or tables or both. Then Saturday morning everyone brings their marbles and such down to the specified 'ballroom' which is open all day to the public. Then it is over. Some of the 'events' you might be referring to are actually lectures on marbles. The best lecture I have ever sat in on was a Vitro Agate lecture hosted by the very charming and knowledgeable (did I forget handsome ) Jim Garber. His insight into this company is amazing. Other events might include a 'glass artisan' actually making a marble right in front of you. You just have to see it to believe it. Please come, you'll be glad you did! We'll be looking for you!
  13. Thanks Steph! At least I can say that I have tried it. Reluctant as I was in the beginning to but new mibs, I find that I have fallen in love all over again! Everyone should give this a try. Now to look at some juicy Jabo's!! Need to see how they really taste before saying I do not care for them either.
  14. Thank you all so much! I normally don't buy contemps but the lot looked waaay too beautiful to pass.
  15. Happy Birthday Lou!! I hope you have a very lovely day.
  16. Thank you Edna, I am working late tonight to surprise you tomorrow with the rest of the group. They are just beautiful, whoever might have done them. The latticino swirls are unsigned. There are a gazillion lights above in the room I am in and they are casting unwanted reflections on these new pics. Sorry about that. All are in mint condition that I can see, so far. In addition to the pictures, here are the siggy's I think I see. RL '01 / EM '98 / DR / DJ / TFS 2001 / JP or TP 2000 / UK / FPS / GFS / & DMF (Douglas Ferguson?) Thanks for looking. Enjoy.
  17. It looks like it was held just before the July 4th holiday. He looks like Opie Taylor to me. Looks like his first word wasn't Ma or Pa, but taw! lol Thanks for sharing this Steph!
  18. I found this wonderful collection today and wanted to show a few out of it to see what you think. Here are some of the treasures in the lot for you to enjoy. These are all around an inch with the one in the middle being 1 3/8. Not sure of some of the makers but I zoomed one of the marks for you. Anyone know who this is? There are roughly a hundred marbles in the collection from 5/8 to well over 2". I will have to show the rest later, as I am pressed for time tonight. Really thought of you, Edna, when I discovered these.
  19. Interestingly enough, EVERYONE should have a will drawn up. Whomever is taking care of the kids should honor any special provision you may make known. Pray you live another 10 years so you can hand them over in person.
  20. I want one of these for my living room. Japanese Museum Unveils A Giant Globe Made of 10,000 Live-Updating OLED Panels
  21. Shaping into a real nice looking site Rich. BTW if anyone gets lost in there you can always show them how to do the math to find their way out! lol Sorry I missed you in Texas. You're gonna wear those reindeer out with all these summer trips don't ya know! Hope ya'll didn't forget your sunglasses!
  22. Thank you very much Mr. Block. I did contact Mr. McClanaham, and if I may paraphrase, he said it seems that with these Mid-west weights (Indiana/Ohio/West Virginia) if it's not signed it's really only a guess as to who made it. He went on to say that it was possibly something the OLDER St. Clairs, Degenharts, Gentiles might have made, and probably first half of the 20th century, or even very late 1890s to 1940s/50. He also said that a few similar weights were made in Bohemia (early 1900), but the badly crackled surface on the Morning Glory and the pink color might be from Fowlerton (B F Leach Co, 1896-1900 Fowlerton Indiana). Ultimately, his bottom line was "NOBODY KNOWS" for sure unless there is a paper trail through a family. Many thanks to Gary McClanaham for his lettered response.
  23. A ghost core ribbon is all? Or is the mica distribution doing a lobed dance as well? Hard to see in the pics. Most of my micas have the ghost core ribbon thingy, if that is what you are asking.
  24. Looks fine from here. I zoomed in to show areas with original micro-creases still evident. Polishing would have removed them for sure imo. Nice mib btw! As far as the color being pinkish, it is normal for every camera and every lighing situation to abnormally effect the true color of a mib, in the wrong hands. Some sellers are real camera and lighting pros and others haven't figured out how to do it correctly. Also, it is affected by warm vs cool lighting as well, but that is another story.
  25. BTW if you haven't ever seen a paperweight being made, here is a link to a short 7 min video showing how they do it.
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