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Everything posted by Nantucketdink

  1. Gibson bag. These were available seperate from their solitaire boards I was told.
  2. I will add some bags to this thread. This first one is from Greece. Its the smallest "header" ever but it is unique and distinctive enough to ID
  3. middle one for sure is and the other two likely are as well
  4. it could easily be JABO, but I am not certain
  5. It looks more like a Vitro Anacortes Classic to me, but thats probably because I don't have Akros like that in my collection as a frame of reference. I bet Ron is right, but still throwing in my 2 cents.
  6. Chad-in the friendliest of ways I am calling you out on the 100 percent of your group are masters. You can twist my arm as much as you like but I will never believe bottom center is not imperial. I will leave it with that one as it is the only one I am highly confidant on. Even one mistake ruins it all. This really is a friendly check.
  7. There's a newer than Rooster type from a few years ago called fire ablaze or something close to that that formally has yellow and white in transparent red it might be instead.
  8. you get suspended for a little while depending on how many infractions for non-paying bidder.
  9. I am one of many who used to refer to some slags as Striped Transparents just because of the pattern on the CAC and German marbles, not taking into account the additional color requirements. Someone corrected me and then I took the time to verify the definition and now try to use the correct terminology.
  10. This one I bought a few months ago looks like a match to the top left metallic. It was sold as a Champion, but I have never seen a Champion like it. Is it an Alley too, right?
  11. My fist sized Champion paperweight is just simply cool (even though Champion had them made by a different glass company). It looks like a giant marble and is rare as heck, but it looks really cool sitting on my shelf.
  12. This JABO splattered metallic is cool because, well, its a splattered metallic
  13. This Sammy's Mountain Marbles "sink'ra'te" has some of Danny Sink's ashes in it and/or on it. It is epicly cool and lets remember to show respect if we discuss it. I hope my remains will be put into marbles after I am gone.
  14. This JABO machine made "sulphide" with a bronze star in it is friggin' cool
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