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Everything posted by cheese

  1. What kind/model of motors are you using on that Boris?
  2. Yours is CAC Jeff. I don't feel the OPs match yours. I don't mean the jelly nougat, that's a different marble from Pennsboro.
  3. Ron had some similar in his special alley boxes.
  4. Right, JABO for the first and newer MK for the second one. Production run was what JABO made for their normal production. Their normal production consisted of industrial application marbles and also swirls for marketing to toy stores and Walmart, etc... This was one of those. JABO tried to get more for their marbles from Walmart and lost the contract and pretty much closed their doors, but the investor runs saved them from totally closing. Investors (often marble enthusiasts) paid to run marbles and those runs normally lasted a day or two and each run was named.
  5. cheese

    5/8 WVS

    Nice looking one. I want to say Ravenswood.
  6. cheese

    2 WVS

    Ravenswood on the first. I guess RW on the second too.
  7. Getting pelt rainbo from it here.
  8. What size? JABO is what I see. But it resembles an Alley taterbug in color.
  9. 15/16" is in the realm for RB floats. But the OP isn't one, it appears to be a Japanese cateye.
  10. A few more BDs. In the group photo are two BDs with another Vitro the same size and same blue base but with a green patch on it instead of the lavender and white. Only one I've seen and was found with a blue devil. Some other neat Vitros in the group pic too.
  11. I agree, not Heaton for sure. It's a slag IMO. Even looks like it could be hand gathered.
  12. Lol I won't get into that. Well... in the glass world, someone could easily call it slag. In the marble world, generally not.
  13. This pic here screams Pelt. Even has the skip in the white. What to market them as is beyond me. The marbles will sell with honest marketing regardless. I lean to variations of some sort of sunset.
  14. I'm with Vitro with that lavender on it.
  15. Strong chance of JABO that got hung on the rollers in one direction. Dubbed "jorkscrews".
  16. Heaton for me on this. Dug quite a few. Houze glass cullet in the base I believe.
  17. Some Vacors have orange peel but I find far more without it than with it.
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