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Everything posted by cheese

  1. Wow, lotsa color Ric! Nice ones Scott! Here are a few more
  2. Thanks, and likewise! As always, great photos! This one is vitro, but I'm not sure if it qualifies as a blue devil or not. It's the closest I have to one though.
  3. Thanks, I like the ones with clear too. I think that's one reason I like helmets so much. Vitro has good clarity in their transparent glass and the colored glass ruffles and plays in the matrix, making some nice views. I have a few conquerors with some of that chalkiness but wasn't sure whether to call them chalkys or not. They don't have as much as yours though. Here's one:
  4. Nice! Here's a conqueror with a heavy opaque white strip like icing
  5. edited...duplicate post, not sure how it happened
  6. Yeah, I saw yours too Jeeperman... that's a nice one!
  7. Wow, I love that black one and that copperhead is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.!
  8. It's a first for me too. I've seen pics of them but this is the first I've found. It's got a couple pops but it's still a nice marble. Nice exotic John!
  9. A Neon Conqueror shooter (I think all of them made were shooters).
  10. Cool bag! I think I have a similar bag but smaller. I think maybe it has shooters in it.
  11. Thanks, I just saw yours... must have missed it before. Nice group!
  12. Yes, in bright light it does, especially the one on the right. The brown ones are actually a shade of purple. I didn't notice at first but they do appear to be brownish in the pictures. I'll try to edit them and see if I can get a truer representation of the color. Not sure if it's the camera or the lighting that caused it.
  13. There are some nice Akros showing up here! I just picked these 2 color snakes up. They are the more common color combo, but still the 2 colored ones don't come along all that often.
  14. Hint taken I posted them in the correct place.
  15. A box of them I recently acquired. This looks like a Buddy box but there's no name on it.
  16. I saw the teals and my mind went straight to Alley and ignored the rest of them but when you said Ravenswoods, I had a "duh" moment and realized there was a mistake. I'm not so sure there is anyone who can differentiate those teals from the ones Alley made at Pennsboro. They look identical. I need to get them out and some that were dug at Pennsboro and put them side by side to see if there are any differences. I think if anything, it will be the white of the base glass.
  17. Sorry, you're right, I posted these in the wrong place.
  18. Like a snowy night, or what I imagine as a snowy night since I live so far South that I rarely see snow, lol.
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