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Everything posted by cheese

  1. These just got IDed as likely Heaton by Ron:
  2. Ric, in your group shot, the big one in the center...does it look like this? This one's about 11/16" in with my pelt NLRs. Chuck G. called it a Ruby Dragon. Sorry for the crappy pics... they are old and from a cell phone.
  3. Wow, that second one is really nice! Kind of puts me in mind of a blue lagoon pelt but maybe even nicer.
  4. Wowzers! Ya think these will float? It just occurred to me how uniform in size and spacing those bubbles are! How in the world it has a smooth surface is beyond me.
  5. The center one looks more CAC than the others do (to me anyway).
  6. I need to go through my "not alleys" pile of swirls and pull out some more heatons. I like this one a lot though:
  7. I don't know if I have or not, for some reason this particular color combo pelt is blah to me and I don't pay them much attention. I just recently ran across this one and found out the name for it so I shared it. Nixe poxbloods! MCS ones too. Seems like pelt used a better oxblood in the mcs than in the rainbos.
  8. Well there's one! Better example than mine too! Bottom one is an NRL, right?
  9. Here's a group shot of some nice alleys I took a good while back.
  10. Here's a group shot of some nice ones
  11. Now here's something interesting. I've never seen an oxblood rainbo. I've seen oxblood with other colors (usually teal green or blue), but never just oxblood on white on a rainbo. Anyone else have one?
  12. I don't know if John posted a sistersville that looks like that but the one I posted d.oes somewhat.. is that the one you're talking about? A few of us thought it was Alley and Ron agreed it was a "possible Sistersville Alley". No-one offered an ID other than Alley and Alley was waht I originally thought before asking others for their opinions, so I went with it.
  13. I'll try to fix that Steph. I moved some photos around into different folders and it messed up the links. Many pics are missing of mine in that thread and others. Regarding your alley/ravenswood John, I saw Ron ID it as Alley and I respect his analysis of the marble much more than my own, and alleys can look a lot like ravenswoods and visa-versa. I don't think anyone would be able to 100% prove it's an alley or ravenswood and not the other.
  14. I wondered about ravenswood for that one too when I saw it on another board. Here are a few that I've made nicer pictures of.
  15. Nice Pelts! deleted bad photobucket link
  16. CAC was my first thought too. Pretty sure they are CACs.
  17. I collect arrowheads, old coins and cool stuff found while metal detecting. I have a stamp collection but I stopped collecting back when they started making so many different stamps every year that nobody could keep up with them. I used to collect minerals, matchbooks, matchbox and hotwheels, star wars stuff, coins, old fishing lures, boy scout memorabilia, antique automobile advertisements, old toys and anything else I could find. I had to narrow it down a bit and focus on a few things I really like and let the rest go.
  18. Maybe they're masters, I am not the end all authority for sure. They really do look like Master, especially the group pictures. Honestly, if they weren't in the context that they are and they were in a box full of U.S. marbles I wouldn't have hesitated to put them in the master box. The knowing that these were found overseas puts them under more scutiny than normal. Imperial did make (distribute anyway) some that look very much like masters. I can't tell for sure if glass is new or old, but new marbles do have a certain look. It might not always be the right feeling but what can I say?
  19. Me too. They look very close to masters but the glass looks new.
  20. New day, new perspective. I think lower left is Imperial and the two middle ones are odd compared to US marbles.
  21. I wouldn't think Imperial for any of them. If I didn't know these weren't from the US, I would have said: Pelt or vitro, Akro, Vitro Master, Akro, Master. Knowing that I am not completely familiar with foreign marbles and that these weren't found here, it adds a little doubt to my IDs but they look US to me.
  22. I agree. That is a really nice CAC!!
  23. Tri lite with Aventurine Few nicer ones
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