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Everything posted by cheese

  1. cheese


    Akro for me as well. I have a cork very similar to it.
  2. Yes it does! Like "The Eye of Sauron"! That thing is wild!
  3. I had pretty well convinced myself that was AV in the pic, so I couldn't shake the Jabo ID. Alley sounds good to me too.
  4. Tough one... the only thing that comes to mind is jabo or cairo. Leaning jabo. Is it 5/8"? Is that a clump ov AV in the bottom right pic?
  5. I can tell you have high hopes for them, but unfortunately they aren't rare valuable handmade marbles. They appear to be marbles made for glass transport. Glass has to be shipped somehow, and often it is made into crude balls to be loaded onto rail cars for shipment, then remelted into whatever the next use is... often fiberglass. The color can vary but blue-green is the most common and trash, wrinkles, bubbles, and strands of other colors and contaminates is common in them. It's just industrial grade glass. It can be fluorescent or not, it's just whatever scrap glass got melted down for stock. They are rough and have these characteristics because they are mass produced on machines with little to no quality control or concern about bubbles, wrinkles, colors, or anything at all really. Not collectible really other than as a novelty.
  6. It does look like a Jorkscrew.
  7. No doubt! I agree with y'all though, alley and maybe sistersville.
  8. Thanks! I kinda thought it might have been for the nato allies fighting the nazis but never was sure. I didn't know there were marbles called allies before all that. Every day I learn something new about marbles is a good day!
  9. I have a couple of those allies boxes too. They both have alleys in them but every time I see them I wonder if they were calling them Allies because they were made by Alley and they decided "allies" was the plural of alley, or if they were called Allies because of WWII and I think these boxes are from along that time frame. Anybody know? It doesn't matter I guess, but it's one of those nagging curiosities I wish I knew the answer to for no particular reason . I just noticed that a lot of my pics in the early pages of this tread were not working anymore due to some rearranging on photobucket so I went back and edited them to work and updated a few. Some of those pics are poor quality but I was using a cell phone back then, lol.
  10. Thinking Cairo for the red, Ravenswood that didn't get much pattern for some reason for the green, and Jabo for the blue.
  11. This looks like it was made by hand to me. The top right looks like a spot where someone had a hold on it. Maybe it's just an odd mark, it's pretty small for a hand made marble. Some germans were that small but...? Tough one.
  12. Master was my thought as well.
  13. Just picked up this fruit cocktail.
  14. Yes, on all counts as far as I can tell anyway. The bottom row one is iffy though, could be pennsboro.
  15. To me, alleys have traits that tend to go with the factory they came from. There are ones in grey areas, but in general if you put 1000 sistersville alleys in a pile, 1000 pennsboros in a pile, and 1000 St. Marys in a pile, it would be very easy to identify which pile came from where, although not every single marble will be easy to tell by itself. Some of them are though. Like the Alley random group Winnie posted... the majority of those are Pennsboros, a few Sistersvilles, and one St. Marys. I might be stepping out on a limb but if you never step out on a limb, you never make it to the next tree!
  16. Looks nicer than any ox/green alley I have! Nice one!
  17. Good point, I had considered Cairo too on that one but the colorless clear part going down into the base and the transparent green wide area said Heaton to me. I did get a second opinion before posting but nothing is always 100% and these have no provenance, so...
  18. Couple more, nothing fancy.
  19. Recently picked up this tightline with aventurine and 2-color snake:
  20. Nice one, I know what you mean about Akro orange. Is that a light blue streak in the black?
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