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Everything posted by cheese

  1. I agree with Paul, looks like a Pennsboro Alley to me.
  2. Dang! More than just a "little extra"
  3. Does adding this one with yours make the "Royal Couple"?
  4. A couple electrics, and some other stuff including some transparents with cullet. I don't own the flame anymore.
  5. Nothing outstanding but clean and appealing to me.
  6. Wow, you have quite a collection of extraordinary alleys Paul!
  7. I have the same color combo, albeit a little different shades, but it has the same problem. It just didn't make the corkscrew it was supposed to make.
  8. I've got some Akro moss agates with aventurine and they look sorta like this but not as transparent in the green, but your one visible seam is very master-y looking . It looks a little filamentous in the mossy base too, so I'm in for Master.
  9. Sometimes I pick up a badly damage marble to toss it in the trash and feel guilty, thinking about how many kids played with it and how many games it was in. Then I remember it's just a hunk of broken glass so I can talk myself into tossing it.
  10. It's not my mintiest superman, but I like this marble and the pic
  11. Bumping this to the top again with St. Mary's Alleys on the left, CAC/Albright on the right.
  12. When I found my Green Fizz, My mind went straight to a sunset, but in green. The Green fizz of mine is larger than most sunsets though, I think around 21/32" or 11/16" Here's one I don't know whether to call a sunset or what... maybe a nuclear sunset? I guess it might be a 7-up, but the color is almost radioactive green. I should check to see if it glows. And then I can't pass up an opportunity to put this pic up, I love looking at it.
  13. Lol, I won't argue that! I stared at it so long, looking for a trait of some kind and you know how the mind does after a while. I have no idea who made it, but who would have put out glass that looks like that? By glass alone, not pattern, I could be convinced it was an akro.
  14. I'm against Vacor too. In the last pic I get a hint of an Akro vibe where the yellow ribbon ends.
  15. Well, I might as well give it up because I'll never find one that nice! That one is the cat's meow for sure, damage or not (I don't see it). Verrry nice.
  16. Here are some of my favorites with red. The alley with translucent clear and snowflakes in the base has brake lens red in it. The ruby slippers are pictured with a green marble to illustrate something else, so just ignore the green one, lol!
  17. Nice! Reminds me of an albino tootsie roll.
  18. Wow, sweet blue AV swirl Paul! I haven't found one of those yet. What are those called, blue spruce?
  19. Wow, some nice ones up there Scott ^^ ! ManofKent, that beauty reminds me of the "mushroom" type. Nice one.
  20. My first impression was a blotchy onionskin cased in clear. Edited: Now I see that it is next to other marbles, so I assume this is 5/8" instead of 1.5 or 2", so it isn't one.
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