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Everything posted by hdesousa

  1. Your post of Friday, at 12.28 pm has at least 70 (seventy) pictures of original packaging and advertisement taken directly from posters made up by George Sourlis. The added dates, descriptions and origins of many of the items are typed in by him, which you have unashamedly, albeit without malice, copied. His posters are copyright, I believe. You should at the very least, acknowledge in your post where those pictures came from. Reposting a limited number of pictures found in public auction or "for sale" sites is probably OK to do without permission, but George painstakingly put those posters together and always acknowledged the origin of his information at the bottom of his posters.
  2. Be careful with large clear marbles on a sunny windowsill. Focused sunlight can ignite combustibles.
  3. Chad G., You should give credit to George Sourlis, whose posters many of these pics came from. I think he still sells posters of marble packaging.
  4. Hey Chad G., You say "I've never seen one in person, ever, in over 35 yrs." Well since I'm over twice that age, I'm allowed to have a couple. Here's an older pic of "three strikes" - top row. The one on the right is one of the few (maybe only) 4 colored one I've seen. The reverse side is pictured in Stan Block's "Marble Mania", 1998
  5. It would be nicer to require that someone with very low feedback contact you before bidding so you can then attempt to access their reliability. Better than an outright ban, which does not help if you have a legit bidder.
  6. Carskadden's book on Colonial Period Marbles mentions the Germans depleting their source of agate in the early 1800's and having large quantities shipped to Idar Oberstein from Brazil. Also, "In 1827, emigrants from Idar-Oberstein discovered the world's most important agate deposit in Brazil's state of Rio Grande do Sul. As early as 1834, the first delivery of agate from Rio Grande do Sul had been made to Idar-Oberstein." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idar-Oberstein Some large dyed agate marbles from Brazil have facets.
  7. Marble playing has long since lost its place in our culture. Other than generating nostalgia, what detrimental effects can be confirmed due to this loss? (speculation aside)
  8. Nice find! Yes, they did hand grind marbles from various semi-precious stones other than agate. Conversely, the occasional cube of agate or other stones were ground into marbles on the same mill wheels on which limestone marbles were made. Old semi-precious stone marbles without facets can be found. Most old goldstone marbles are not faceted.
  9. Appears to be pre 1900. The seller says the family these marbles came from were originally German and had lived in the Toledo, Ohio area since the early 1800's. A note with the marbles said "Grandma Kellogg's marbles, ca 1890".
  10. Recently on eBay as a single group. Many limestone, many very faded chinas, three faceted onionskins, large one with mica (and heavily played with), a nice marble marble "blood alley", one clay, one variegated porcelain, a large wooden marble, and a Codd bottle "bullet mold". Notably absent are ordinary swirls and more clays.
  11. When given the choice, most chose a good aged cheese over a board of checkerboard chinas.
  12. Yes, a good, informative video, even for non-glass workers. Presents more like an engineer than an artist.
  13. Oh, they're 12 anthropomorphic boxwood carvings the Chinese zodiac, each associated with one specific protector Buddhist deity. https://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/8-zodiac-protectors.shtml I don't understand any of it, but they're supposed to protect my balls.
  14. I bet the glass which bricks were made from, is different from other vintage marbles and can take more abuse. A worn brick looks a bit like masonry brick. Other heavily used glass marbles just look beat up.
  15. Not much is known about these things. They were bought from an embellished listing : "Dated: 1780 to 1800 Staffordshire England Four rare and various sized agateware earthenware pottery decorative balls. They are expertly made with elaborate designs within circular motifs featuring star shapes. The design and detail of these pieces are spectacular and exude stunning decorative appeal. The largest is 3.5 inches diameter the smallest 2.5 inches. Diameter: 3.5 inches Current Condition: No restoration with only minor abrasions related to age. Provenance: Private Collection Cotswolds England" Not sure how much of that is fact. A similar one was talked about here several years ago:
  16. Often misnamed mochaware carpet balls (more accurately carpet bowls, for use in bowling), these are probably neither. A prominent English antique pottery dealer describes them as " Decorated agateware balls, English late 18th century. Excellent condition and probably only intended as a decorative accessory. They replicate marble metamorphic spheres popularly acquired as souvenirs by the gentry and upper middle classes from the "Grand Tour" which was much in fashion in the 18thc." Most are indeed found in good condition, obviously not having been treated as toys. Largest is 4" (c.100 mm) diameter, center top. Ball in the upper left is probably the only non-English one. Stoneware from American Marble and Toy, Akron, OH, pre 1905.
  17. Nice! Wonder what a "#7 Fancy colored bowler" is? Did AMT have any colors other than blue and brown? What size is their #7? Thanks for posting.
  18. Think the ball mill balls were made of corundum, fused aluminum oxide (alumina). About a decade ago, someone was making and selling on eBay decorated fused alumina marbles. I forget his name. The decoration was his own style and marbles were inexpensive. No intention of deceiving anyone. Is the decoration on your marbles only on the surface, or is the color incorporated into the body of the marble?
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