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Everything posted by J_Ding

  1. I think that's what I mean. Who knows! I don't even know anymore! This thing is making me dizzy...maybe I shouldn't finish off this IPA But seriously, yes I mean exactly as you say. The tail of the nine runs out and doesn't make it to the cut. It has really a nine or a mirror depending on how you view it. Hilarious, if but pointless, marble 'problem.'
  2. Nice bunch of exotics up there...love 'em...everyone different.
  3. Yes, the green one is a bit of a hall of mirrors....not really decided on it...an optical illusion probably (like the faces and wine glass thing depending how you see it). Although, I think the gather is running up, and horizontally on the outside, and ending near the pole, rather than coming through the center to the pole and then running horizontally on the outside to the seam (does this make sense?).
  4. Got your coffee? Another example for conversation. This one is a bit easier to see as reversed. Thinking MFC (outside chance of CAC with all that white).
  5. You see reference to reverse gathers from time to time, but in my experience, they are scarce.... I've found very few legitimate examples for my effort. I'm not talking about lazy or poorly formed nines, but real mirrored nines. Wondering if this is what the slag people have seen. My thinking is that this example is probably MFC (the other possibility would be CAC), and not even sure this is totally legitimate. John
  6. Thanks Steph and Richard! Glad you think well enough of them to comment. Back to 'em
  7. I suppose some collectors wouldn't give a single color cork any mind at all. Too bad...they might be missing something. My thinking is this one is an early cork...couldn't prove it, but the richness of the color, that lazier corking action, sure makes me think so.
  8. Working on marble photos and inventory today. This Green Zebra I thought worthy of posting. 11/16" John
  9. I think it's a slag...and I'd put it with my Akros as a best guess. Can't see the pole, but I'd bet it corks because it's hand gathered. John
  10. That lavender is outstanding! I have a few lavender, but not as much white. John
  11. The one to the left is an Exotic Conqueror. You don't see those every day...at least I don't. John
  12. I think half the fun of collecting marbles is finding those examples, common or valuable or not, that just come together in unexpected and interesting, and uncommon ways. This one looks different from all sorts of angles. john
  13. Richard...really nice to get a perspective on the mibs you are finding in the UK. Those Veiligglas are great. John
  14. Thanks Steph! I had a hard time choosing from seven shots that turned out...almost gave them all.
  15. Two marbles in one: Halfway between a snake and an auger.
  16. Thanks Jessica! Time for a hand gathered slag. My present thinking is this one is very probably Akro. John
  17. I know it....the thread had sunk to page two! We can't have that!
  18. I think so too, FWIW. john
  19. If the lighting is similar, I've seen CAC cullet with that MO I think...and I have few I think are in this category. From your pictures, the mib seems out of round, and while I wouldn't ever use 'out of round' as the only trait, it would make sense. On the other hand, it's a transparent swirl, and those are the devil. I wonder too if not really pink, but peach. john
  20. I agree with Steph on the 1930's bit FWIW.
  21. Helpful. I've got a few of these, and now I know. The photos are great, and show many of these show quite a bit of 'orange' peel on the surface...which should be helpful too. John
  22. Yes, that's it. It is very hard to tell. I agree with you...trying to tell who made a hand gathered is a real devil for sure. I think for slags, what we are suffering from is the ideal...due to mostly seeing and celebrating examples that are classically MFC or CAC which then neglects all the rest of them (done not just to brag either, but done because at least you know you'll get the ID correct). I know at least one thing...the more slags I see, the less I know.
  23. It really looks green in-hand, and only at an angle, right next to the blue, is there any hint of clear-ish glass...but still with a green tinge. The green is a bit darker due to a flat black background I used on the photos. Back lit with a flashlight gives green. Can't tell if there is a thin veneer of green at the bottom, and it just kicks into the glass, but it really doesn't seem so. Yes, I looked again, and the that chalk is light and dark and silvery in places. John
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