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    Walnut Creek, Ca

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  1. Largest feathered Peltier slag I have seen was 1”.
  2. Out of round marbles should be graded straight down to 9.4 and should be mentioned in the description as to the reason of the grade scale.
  3. Welcome back Joe and happy new year! Just saw this post.
  4. Following Chad’s post, yes, Blue Zebras exist. There is an early Miller version, which I have never seen containing any aventurine. Those are typically larger size, always with very attractive, gorgeous patterns. Blue ribbons on white base. NLR version is as attractive and maybe a bit easier to find. Those contain heavy blue aventurine and are magnificent marbles.
  5. Without a question internet made a huge impact on new names through eBay, message boards and all other platforms, when people started communicating in real time. You can check some early running rabbit auctions and even the all time great name Peltier “Tiger” wasn’t used then.
  6. There are a lot of collectors in central California. My bi-annual meetings still ongoing in the Bay Area, next tentatively scheduled mid April. Pm me your email and we will take it from there. Sami
  7. At the moment Vegas show is on and hopefully it will stay that way.
  8. That one looks like a master sunburst.
  9. Hi Andrea, yes your Blue Bee is doing very well in the family. Has a cozy spot. I still have few copies left. Will send a pm. Edit: tried to sent a pm but got a message that you can’t receive messages. Send me your mailing address so I’ll send you a copy of the book. Best Sami
  10. Andrea, if that marble is definitely a CAC it may be classified as a fancy lace family. Laces are patch type filaments on surface of transparent base running between cutlines. I have seen white or other colors on colored transparent base glass. Blue lace is the most known example.
  11. They look really nice masters sunburst to me.
  12. There is a resemblance to the untrained eye specially the cutlines but there are fundamental differences between the two marbles. Peltier has 6 ribbons while marble king has two ribbons and a patch.
  13. It is definitely Peltier nlr Christmas tree. With the added brown it has additional character and it’s a killer. Congrats on finding it. That is what it’s all about finding that great marble at the corner antique shop.
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