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Everything posted by leroy65

  1. Fred, there are several folks reconditioning marbles now a-days. This is Leroy-The marble mender and if I had their names and email address I'd sure email them to you (had them but lost them when computer went the way of the wind), but frist I'd have to secure their permission. If you are interested in my Marble Reconditioning Information and Price sheets, just email me at: [email protected] and I'll be happy to send them to you. Later----Leroy----P.S. Be sure and mention that you are the one that put up the inquiry on the Marble Connection board.
  2. After a quick search of my Akro's I see that I have two Corelians that light up, however they both need to be reconditioned. I'm like the shoe cobbler (work on everybody's marbles but not my own.) When I take time to look further, I may have some more as I have hundreds of Akro's. Later----Leroy----
  3. Hello, I'm wondering if anyone knows or has any information on Clifford White, that lived or lives in Spelter, WV. I have lost contact with him and would like to contact him once again. Clifford started me out reconditioning dug marbles as he was a digger at the Akro site, in fact he is the one that tore down the plant. He sent me pictures of the plant as he made progress tearing it down. I sent them back to him several years ago and would like to get them in hand once again. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks----Leroy [email protected]
  4. As some of you old timers know I have been an avid Catseye collector for more years than I like to admit to (years that is.) Seeing these pictures of colored glass "cat's" caused me to start looking at some of mine. One of the first ones to catch my eye is a 1" nine vane three color cat in clear pale green/blue glass.. Than I started looking at the clear glass colored cat's. I do have them in shades of green all the way from pale to emerald-several bright lemon to dark yellow (one is an 8 finger bright yellow glass)-Clear blue glass runs all the way from pale blue to deep dark blue. In the collection are red glass banana's and the list goes on. My son will help me before to long post some pictures.
  5. Not long ago I reconditioned the exact mate to that top marble and I had never seen one like it before or since. Good luck in finding one as you are going to need it. Please don't ask the name of the one that had me recondition it as I'm not at liberty to say. Maybe he/she will see this and post something about it. ----Leroy----
  6. I do all sizes of sulphides for one price. Final polish only to shine up the marble (will cause any damage to show worse in some cases) $2.75 pre-polish and than finale polish $5.50 or all three steps for $8.00 plus postage and insurance if desired. Further information may be had by emailing [email protected] ----Leroy----
  7. At the present time I am using a 600 grit to pre-polish and Monday I will take a look at what the 1200 grit (this I used all the time until it became hard to get) will do. Right now I have about 100 marbles that all measure from 15/16" to 1 1/4 " that I have refinished and I can't see anything on the marbles surface using my 20 power. The main problem is micro bubbles that surface during the pre-polish stage and the broken glass gets dragged across the marbles surface leaving a streak (ditch) behind it. This is what I call streaking and it can be a very bad problem with some marbles. ----Leroy----
  8. I should know by now that there is no use in me posting anything on these boards as there are lots of marble professors with a lot more knowledge about marbles than I'll ever know even though, I've studied and worked with marbles for well over 30 years. So please disregard anything that I have posted and rest assured that I plan never to post anything again along these lines. ----Leroy----
  9. I'm amazed that this topic is being discussed and I love every minute of it. Lately I have reconditioned 175 (my own) marbles that looked fantastic to the naked eye and than I brought out my 20 power magnifier that I used when I was working scouting corn, soybean and milo fields. I won't go into the tiny, tiny eggs, and etc of insects and diseases that I was looking for, but believe me the 20 power magnifier is pretty revealing. Of the 175 marbles that I had finished over 100 of them are now going back through the pre-polish and final stage as I could see some streaking. I will never send another reconditioned marble out of here without first using that 20 power on it. Without a doubt if a person uses a more powerful magnifier they will be able to see that the marble has been reconditioned in some cases. Up until I got my 20 power out I had been using a 10 power. What I have posted here is my opinion and mine alone. ----Leroy----
  10. Believe it or not for what it's worth, I was very surprised about two months ago when I received a sulphide that was in very bad shape to recondition. It had nice outer stripping and I assure you it was an old German Sulphide. In all the years that I have reconditioned marbles it was the only one with outer stripping that I had ever seen. It reconditioned very nicely and as the owner really didn't know what he had, we visited about it on the phone before reconditioning and before I returned it to him. I'm not at liberty to name the owner, but believe me that Sulphide is out there. Someday I may learn how to take pictures and post them. ----Leroy----P.S. In most cases the figure in a sulphide is easy to tell as to it being new contemporary or an old German one.
  11. Marbles up to but not including 1" are $6.00 if they go through all three steps. There are three steps and each step is $2.00. In other words if a marble requires only final polish the price is $2.00. If it requires pre-polish and than final polish than the price is $4.00. The 10% discount until Oct 31 applies only to those marbles that go through all three steps. Marbles from 1" to 1 1/2" but not including 1 1/2" are $7.00 (divide by 3 for the price on each step) Again the 10% discount until Oct 31 is for all marbles that go through all three steps only. All marbles from 1 1/2" and up including all sulphides are $8.00. Divide by three to get each steps price. The discount is the same as the other sizes. If anyone would like to have my Marble Reconditioning Information and Price sheet(s) send me an email at [email protected]. ----Leroy----
  12. The price on all marbles 1 1/2" and larger and all sulphides is $8.00 (less 10% until Oct 31) plus postage and insurance if desired. My address is: Leroy Johnson, 1516 Kennedy Drive, York, Nebraska, 68467, cell phone : 402-366-9246
  13. Hello marblebob, Check your email as I have sent you my Marble Reconditioning Information and Price sheet(s) ----Leroy----P.S. From now until the last day of Oct there will be a 10% discount on all reconditioning marbles as long a they go through all three steps.
  14. As I've run out of custom marbles to recondition I now have a Fall special which is a 10% discount on all marbles that I recondition that go through all three steps from now to the end of OCT ----Leroy---.
  15. Hello marblerob, Onionskins are very hard to recondition (polish) without opening the ends when using a three headed machine like I use. I have polished many of the onionskins over the years. If lucky yours may have a lot of top glass on the ends which will help not to open the ends. I will be most happy to work on your marble(s), but keep in mind what I have written. ----Leroy----
  16. Bill, If you will send me $2.00 for postage to Leroy Johnson, 1516 Kennedy Drive, York, Nebraska, 68467, I will send you one of those JABO red slags. ( : < )
  17. I don't scan the boards much anymore, but I happened to see this. Please send me an email at [email protected] and I will send you or anyone interested my Marble Reconditioning Information and Price Sheet(s). Thanks----Leroy----
  18. I repaired some of Bruce's marbles for him and I couldn't have asked for a better person to work for. Bruce, rest In Peace! ----Leroy----
  19. I don't have any pictures, but there is one marble that can't be hidden. It is a 1 3/4" polished red Latticinio and by far the largest red Lat that I have ever seen. It was severally damaged when Bo sent it to me, but polished very well. There is a bubble near the center inside the Lat. ----Leroy----
  20. I just gave one of those marbles made from the glass to Steve Sturtz in NY. I haven't heard back from him as yet to know if he received it. I have two left which will stay in my collection. They are completly clear yellow glass and are very heavy. The one that I sent to him weighs 10 oz and a German handmade swirl of the exact same size weighs 3 oz. ----Leroy---- Rich, Thanks for posting all the information as it clears up some questions that I had.
  21. Craig, I have sent you an email with Bo's address and I sure hope this helps. ----Leroy----
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