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Everything posted by leroy65

  1. A little bird just flew by and told me that Bo Stiff will have a birthday this coming Friday,4-9-10 and I'm wondering if it is true? ----Leroy----
  2. If you would like to start reconditioning marbles you might email [email protected] or give me a call at 402-366-9246 as one has just become available. It is a three headed machine and has 5 lbs number 220 grinding compound and 5 lbs 1000 pre-polish compound and 5 lbs RayBrite A final polishing compound with it. Later----Leroy---- P.S. Sorry I should have included Marble in the title.
  3. It seems to me that there are two directions indicated with collecting marbles. Those that collect because they are beautiful in their eyes and those that collect "value". When their paths cross it's like two hot electric wires coming into contact with each other. I love marbles for what they are and my love of them goes all the way back to the early 1940's (I do love the new Jabo's). I think it is fitting that we have the different directions as I stated and I think we shouldn't get cross-ways with each other when our paths do cross, but respect the others persons opinion and not condemn the direction they are taking when it comes to marbles. This is my opinion and I'm not asking anyone to agree with it or to disagree. ----Leroy----
  4. Welcome home Ray. The marble that you made several years ago for my grandson is still one of his favorite processions. Very good to see you back. ----Leroy----
  5. Jeff is doing very well as I visited with him for quite awhile yesterday. I have very high esteem for Jeff as he is one of the most informed when it comes to marble information in my opinion and I have used his knowledge of Marbles many times. A long time ago I was getting beat up pretty badly from a person way out west and Jeff was one of the people that came to my rescue. It all ended fairly well. It had to do with Akro marbles from the digs and my listing of the same on eBay after they were reconditioned. My son (Graphic Designer) had listed the marbles with beautiful pictures and I had posted on Alan B's. board that if they would like to see some Akro marbles from the digs and what they looked like after being reconditioned they could go to the listing. Those marbles were very rare and some of them (styles) had never been merchandised. I believe they were actually experimental runs and than dumped. A person way out west for some reason took offense at that and really came down hard on me. At any rate Jeff is doing very well. ----Leroy----
  6. I tried for about an hour and finally gave up. I know it sure makes me feel stupid because I don't understand all the hoops that they say I have to jump through and after I think I've jumped through them all and try to log in it starts all over again. Pooey on it, I think I can live without that board. ----Leroy----
  7. I was looking through some of my handmade contemporary marbles today and ran across one that measures 17/8"+ and is signed Gibson and under the name 89. Can anyone tell me which Gibson this might be? Thanks in advance----Leroy----
  8. I believe what we are seeing today in the Jabo marble production are some of the most beautiful and colorful marbles that have ever been produced by man. These will certainly be highly sought after many years down the road. Who would have thought a few years ago that there could be 18 pages (851 listings) of Jabo marbles on eBay on Jan.13, 2010? Keep up the good work JABO! This is my opinion----Leroy----
  9. My monitor says yellow also----Leroy----
  10. Hello Ray, I don't seem to have your email address or phone number. Mine is [email protected], phone 402-362-6204 ----Leroy---- P.S. Your marbles will be ready for shipment the first of next week or the last of this week. There is some information that I need from you.
  11. Catseye jack is right. Lortone Tumblers are head and shoulders above any other brand that I'm aware of. You can purchase them through Kingsley North,Inc. Their phone number is 1-800-338-9280 and they will be happy to send you a catalog. They have complete Lapidary supply's. I've dealt with them for years and have always been happy with their service and products. Hope this helps ----Leroy----
  12. The lost is found. I just received a telephone call from a gentleman asking me if I had ever received his marbles and guess what? He is the missing owner of the marbles that I have and he was able to describe them for me. The tape that he used to tape the package with is masking tape and he put his return label on the package and I'm betting that it didn't even make it out of Quarryville, PA before it came off. Labels will not stick tight enough to masking tape to stay on. At any rate the lost is found. MERRY XMAS AND A HAPPY AND GREAT NEW YEAR! ----Leroy----
  13. Very beautifully said and I certainly appreciate that sort of attitude versus one of condemnation. ----Leroy----
  14. Very well put Sue and I believe that there's nothing wrong in starting a "new history and integrity" with a marble that is badly hurt. 100-200 years from now it could mean a lot to some person looking for marbles and as it has been pointed out by some of the Marble people that know marbles, they might be able to buy it for a lot less than one that hadn't been restored, but at least the marble had been saved instead of lost forever. Of course I'm biased because I like pretty marbles even if they have been restored and it makes me sad seeing what could be a beautiful marble all beat up ----Leroy----
  15. Thanks folks for all the cudo's, I do appreciate it. It's easy to look good when you are working with quality as this marble certainly is. Later----Leroy----
  16. On this style of banded lutz the stripping rarely goes all the way to the top. The reconditioning did not open the ends any further as they were already open nor were the stripping' shortened. I love to work on these because they are so beautiful and rare. Thanks Burt for letting me work on it. ----Leroy----
  17. Galan, I sure appreciate your concern here, but a mistake in id has been made. Mike Rakes and his wife and daughter are three of the nicest people that I know. They would step up to the plate to help anyone needing help at any time. The person that I had problems with isn't Mike Rakes. That person has his own row to hoe and I wish him no harm. Again let me say that Mike Rakes isn't the person that I had issue with. They just recently lived here in York and Mike has been to my house several times. They have since moved to S.Dakota, but we visit from time to time on the phone. Later----Leroy----
  18. Al, Thanks for the suggestion and I've gone that route until I hit a blank wall. The post mark on the postage label shows that it was mailed in Quarryville.Pa. As yet I've heard nothing. Thanks----Leroy----
  19. Yesterday in the mail I received three boxes of marbles to be reconditioned. One box with several hundred dollars worth of marbles in it had no return address nor did it have any id on the inside with the marbles. I have no idea who these belong to. I have went back through my emails and am unable to make a connection that way. If you have sent me marbles that would have arrived here Saturday 11-21-09 please send me an email at [email protected]. You will have to id them for me as far as numbers and kinds. Thanks for your attention ----Leroy---- P.S. I feel that the owner may have put one of the "stick tight" return labels on the box that came off during shipping. This may be a good time to point out that it is a good idea to put all the information in with the marbles as well as on the outside of the box. These marbles do have an insurance tag on them.
  20. This is top of the line information, thanks heaps ----Leroy----
  21. In redoing one of my storage closets I found a box with several old bags of marbles in it. One bag of 50 marbles has a label on it of C.E.Bogard & Son's and there is a seam down the back side. I know that they bought and packaged marbles made by several company's. In this bag there are several very nice hybrid cat's eye marbles. In-fact the back side of the label says CAT EYES in large letters and under that it says The Cat's eye in glass. Here's my question: All the beautiful hybrid cat's have four vane's. Is there a lot of the four vane hybrids and if so who made them? They look like they were made by Marble King. The vane's fill the glass from side to side and they are very pretty. Did Vitro make four vane hybrids? ----Leroy----
  22. Burt, It has been my experience with these marbles that the pontils will be gone of course and depending on how deep the deepest impact is, polishing may pull the ends down to where the lutz starts to "recede". If a person doesn't mind a small amount of damage left on the marble, this can be regulated to removing most of the damage, but not getting into the stripping or the lutz. The only way to tell for sure is an in hand inspection. You may be surprised at how well this marble may turn out with a very careful reconditioning. On the other hand it may not be a candidate for reconditioning at all. ----Leroy----
  23. As I've been collecting marbles for a long time (30+ years), I'm wondering if there are very many sulphide marbles like the one pictured. I have seen and handled a lot of marbles over the years and that is the first and only one of those that I've ever seen. If you know of or have seen some of these please post about them. Maybe we can talk Mike into posting a picture of his large one. Later----Leroy----
  24. Mike the pleasure was all mine. I'm really intrigued by the sulphide. It's the first one of it's kind that I have ever seen. Thanks for trusting me with it. ----Leroy----
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