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Everything posted by leroy65

  1. Edna and Weldon, You are both in our prayers and we hope that things turn out joyous. ----Leroy----
  2. Shucks, I don't understand why it doesn't work, so you may want to try this one: [email protected] If it doesn't work, give me a call at 402-362-6204 ----Leroy----
  3. I do have some and I would sell one if the offer is right. Send me an email at marblemender.neb.rr.com. I may not answer your email right away as I must run a route where I have donation contains at various business here in York. The donations are for York-Adopt-A-Pet. I won't bore you with all the details. ----Leroy----
  4. I have seen some beautiful gear shift knobs (thats what we called them) when I was a youngster back in the late 1930's and early 1940's. ----Leroy----
  5. Sue, Not all onionskin's have inner cores. In fact only about a quarter of them do. I have seen them with double and triple cores. I hate to "pull" the ends that far down that it exposes the inner cores, but sometimes I don't have a choice if the customer insists that all damage be removed, or if the marble is hurt so badly that I have to remove a lot of glass to save it. I have learned over the years to leave small amounts of "clear" damage that doesn't detract from the beauty of a marble, rather than "pull" those ends down that far if the customer leaves the reconditioning up to me. ----Leroy----P.S.These are my own opinions from the many onionskins that I have handled. Please keep in mind that there are thousands and thousands if not millions of these types of marbles that I haven't seen. So to say that only about a quarter of them have inner cores is wrong on my part. But, it's true of the ones that I have handled.
  6. leroy65

    Two Questions

    I'm sorry, I'm just an old dude that doesn't know how to post pictures, but I'm hoping that some of our good marble friends that do know how and have some of these marbles will post pictures of them. (Pretty please) ----Leroy----P.S. Slagmarble-How would you rate the scarcity of the various slags? I don't mean to put you on the spot, but I think this will start to open some eyes to the slag world.
  7. leroy65

    Two Questions

    I'm interested to know how big the biggest red slag that you may have? The largest one in my collection is 31/32" and is mint as I had to recondition it. I have several in the 7/8" range. These are older slags and I've had them for years. (some came from the Akro digs) The second question that I have is: How many older white slag marbles do you have? I went through my entire collection this morning and I only found 13 white and 12 vaseline ones. These range in size from 11/16" to 29/32". Out of about 500 slags to be reconditioned (my own) there was less than 20 white slags. I will appreciate your interest. ----Leroy----
  8. Very, very nice marbles. After seeing these gorgeous marbles I started looking at mine and you know what, I do have some as nice as yours, but those deep blue and red ones knock my socks off. Thanks for showing them. Top row, frist marble from the left, 2nd row, 2nd marble from the right. ----Leroy----
  9. Isn't it just amazing what you can do with reconditoning a very hurt marble. Nice work. ----Leroy----
  10. Thanks Buddy and Steve, you guy's do great work also. ----Leroy----
  11. I am the Marblemender: Leroy Johnson 1516 Kennedy Drive York, Nebraska, 68467 [email protected] 402-362-6204 I take poor old beat up ugly looking marbles and make them beautiful once again. ----Leroy----
  12. leroy65

    Japan Marbles

    Please remember me also as I sure like those marbles . Thanks----Leroy----
  13. leroy65

    German Sparklers I

    I have done several of these and the surface cleans up very, very nice. I'm sure that either Buddy or myself or anyone that reconditions marbles can make them look very sweet without taking much from the surface. ----Leroy----
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