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Everything posted by Marbleized

  1. Thanks everyone! Sounds like they are Champions! It was really odd, because without the sunlight the white doesn't show any green. It is apparently a very, very light green that my phone camera picked up on. Thanks!
  2. The nine marbles on the right in the top box are Vitros. The one with the brownish equator is called a blackline. The one on the top left is probably a Vacor. (Vacors often have that oily sheen.) You have a Vitro blackline in the second box too. The bottom game marbles are usually just game marbles, not worth much. But, I would keep them for now because as you learn more, you might find some special ones. I'm pretty sure the seasoned collectors can spot whether you have any good ones there. You might want to break the bunch up into smaller groups of no more than four to make it easier for others to comment. Also, spin them around to give everyone several viewpoints. That helps a lot. (I think you do have some Peltiers in the second box.) You have some really nice marbles! Thanks for sharing!
  3. Marbleized


    Or could the last one be an easter egg? It is somewhat made of pastel colors. Would it need a transparent base?
  4. Marbleized


    I meant the second one is a yellow jacket. Sorry.
  5. Marbleized


    Isn't the first one a yellow jacket? The last one seems to have that pinky lilac color patch like an easter egg, but it's not that.
  6. Hmmm, I see a new collection of jewelry boxes in your future.πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Ž
  7. I'm goimg to go with Champion for the first one since it gives the marble a cool history. Also, it does remind me of something more modern.
  8. Thank you WVRons! I appreciate all the information that you share! Interesting how when we think of "machine made" we forget (or at least I forgot) that the people running the machines actually influenced what came out of them.
  9. You will be in my thoughts today! Take care! Hope things go well!
  10. Just went to check out the "Mostly Pics" threads of Steph's Study Hall! So much there! I need to go to study hall more often! Going back now to do some studying! Thanks again, Ric!
  11. Thanks WVRons and Chad! I must just have an Alley collection that needs to be beefed up in the UV reactive department. I do have a lot of Jabos that are UV reactive.
  12. Hurray! Thanks for the confirmation WVRons!
  13. First impression was Champion for me too. Maybe it was the big curvy and twisty ribbons that made me think this. What size is it? Is that I thin strand of something going around as well?
  14. But yours seems to be more wispy and delicate looking.
  15. Yes, Vacor Roosters. I have some of those. They are actually pretty nice marbles, IMO.
  16. I'm thinking that I might have a Vitro Tomato here. It is .62" and what I would say is semi-opaque. No transparency. What do you think? Thanks!
  17. My Alley collection might be a little lopsided...
  18. But the Pistachios are UV reactive . . .
  19. I just flashed my blacklight over my Alley collection and noticed that very few were UV reactive. Here's my dumb question because I'm sure that there are UV reactive Alleys (right?). I have a small collection, but there were only a few that lit up. Just wondering, maybe those few don't belong in the Alley box?
  20. Thanks Akroorka for the bump, not only for my post, but for so many others. Also, thanks for the info on that first marble!
  21. I used to have a collection of cacti, but when I moved they weren't to thrilled. I think I'm the only one who actually killed a bunch of cacti. I really felt bad. A few did survive, and I made sure that I gave them to someone who lived in an environment they were used to. Cactus and their flowers are amazing!
  22. Love all that outdoor living!
  23. Thanks VWRons! Akro it is! Much appreciated everyone!
  24. The green between the two red swirls lights up white under UV.
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