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Everything posted by Marbleized

  1. Interesting. I was thinking it was older because the white and blue reminded me of the colors of Flow Blue dishes. Like old ceramics. The opaque base was slightly cream colored. I'll need to go look up some Jabo marbles. Thanks.
  2. I've noticed that a lot! Since I began collecting until now, I think prices have tripled. I can't compete anymore. Though, I'm glad that my favorite sellers have buyers who can afford to push up the auction prices so that they can make a good profit. The problem for me is that marbles are nowhere to be found, unless it's a jar of cateyes that are meant to fill a collectible jar. Happy hunting!
  3. Yes, it seems to be lighting. Something that depends on the time of day or night that I photograph them. πŸ₯΄Thanks WVrons!
  4. Yes, definitely "Marble--on!!" Thanks!
  5. Thank you Gladys and WVrons. I really appreciate your time and expertise!
  6. Hi Everyone, These two marbles would probably look better in a bag of the same. Nothing outstanding. Nevertheless, I am curious about what these might be. I'm guessing newer Akro patches? Colors are not vivid, and the one on the right has a mossy appearance with tiny bubbles in the base. The first is .61" and the second is .63". Both are semi-opaque although the first one looks more opaque without the flashlight. Thank you for looking!
  7. These are bloody good examples!
  8. Hi! From one newbie to another. A Peltier Sunset has a lot of little bubbles in the base.πŸ‘πŸ˜‰
  9. First I'd like to say that some of my favorite marbles are Jabos. But, I'm still always hoping for something more vintage. So I'm going to ask, Is this lovely reddish, pinkish, orange-ish .60" marble a Jabo? I'm hoping for a "no" but I think I see the tell-tale diaper fold. Thanks for your time.
  10. Sounds like it is either a Pelt or Akro. Thanks everyone!
  11. I took a couple of other photos, the first being an upside down version of the top and the second having better lighting of one of the seams where everything meets. Any chance of it even being a Marble King?
  12. Thanks Steph! BTW, You ARE one of the "big guys"!!!πŸ’ͺ😁
  13. Hi William, Do you remember what forum it was in? I'm not very good at navigating the site. Thanks.
  14. Thanks William. Will look for it right now.
  15. Thanks for the links, Chad. That just means that I will have to keep bugging you expert collectors to help me identify my marbles. Thanks in advance for all of your help!!πŸ˜‰πŸ˜
  16. Hi Everyone, I guess I'm retired so I've got a lot of free time on my hands. So here's another post. Just wondering if these are Ravenswoods? The first one is .63" and the second one is .66 inches. Thanks for your help!
  17. That's the best kind. When there's still stuff in the bottle.πŸ˜‰
  18. Vintage or modern, doesn't matter. Every marble collector should have one, at least for a conversation piece, IMO.πŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸ˜ Where we are they sell that Japanese soda called "Ramune" that still uses Codd bottles. Everyone has a blast popping open the pop and watching the marble fall. So cool!
  19. Thanks WVRons and Fire1981! I’ve never seen that color on an Akro. So I dismissed the eyelashes. Are eyelashes are unique to Akro?
  20. Here's a marble that I've forgotten about until I started to sort through things. I'm thinking its just an "off" Alley or WV Swirl? Its size is .66". The base is opaque and the blue is translucent and seems to just cut right through to the center. Thanks for your input!
  21. This marble is a seems to be a white base with a translucent (?) olive green swirl and patch. Seems that half the marble has a very thin layer of green for a patch that goes over the white base. There is an illusion that the white pops out above the green, but that is not the case. It may be a stretch but I am seeing what looks like a monochromatic underdeveloped helmet. Pardon the weird description. I've added an additional photo that shows this. It is .61" in size. I may be barking up the wrong tree. Need help in ID'ing. Thanks!
  22. Ah, that's what a strawberry shortcake looks like in real life! Thanks!
  23. Thanks for the help everyone! I actually considered the Akro Tribe-Color Patch, but it had an extra color and, I guess, since the colors went all around the marble I wasn't seeing "patch". So much to learn! (At least I got the company right.πŸ˜†) Thanks again!
  24. Thanks Gladys! Yeah, as always hoping for the best, but always happy when it is a pretty one no matter what it is. πŸ‘
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