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Everything posted by Marbleized

  1. Found these recently. Not in very good shape, but the colors were so beautiful regardless of the condition. I had to buy it. If you don't look to closely, they are pretty impressive compared to the rest of my collection. LOL!
  2. Great! Then its the coolest Akro I own! The colors are "mauvelous"! (I just had to . . .). Thanks Fire1981 and Akroorka!
  3. I think that's the beauty of this site. When I get something wrong I'm still learning. What can be better than that! As you say--Marble On! Happy marble hunting!
  4. What?! Are You Kidding?!? (Drooling...)
  5. Thanks Chad and Akroorka! Goes to show you that I have no idea what to look for still.🀣 The one thing that I am certain of when I see it is a corkscrew. Oh, wait. I got that wrong recently. Maybe a . . . oh wait, I got that one wrong too. It’s a good thing you are all so willing to help!! 😁
  6. I've never seen mauve on an akro, but there are all sorts of color combos, I've heard. Do you think that a Jabo might take on this look?
  7. Just because it's Akro Friday . . . πŸ‘
  8. Here's a couple of photos where you can kind of see the seams. It's hard for this amateur to bring them out with all the clear and little contrast in colors. The first one looks pretty straight. The second one is straight from the orange to the brown then goes up for the white. Akrooorka is guessing Peltier and now that you had me examine the seams, it is looking more like a Pelt to me as well. Looking forward to your input. Thanks!
  9. I think you may be right! I can sort of see it now too. Funny how I get stuck on looking at one thing and I forget to look at the other attributes. The seams don't look "vitro". (Chad is asking for more pics of the seams which is why I looked. I was looking at everything, but what is the most important part--the seams. Yikes! I wonder what he'll say.) Thanks!
  10. Just wondering if this is a Vitro. I've noticed that a lot of Vitros have lips that look like this. Although, I don't remember seeing Vitros that are so "empty" in the middle. Aside from the lips there is just a mirror of some lips in a brown thin line. Are wavy "lips" a dead give away for some Vitro? Thanks!
  11. Hi All, I was trying to organize my marbles since I've been mixing them all up and forgetting what they are, when I came across this one that I don't even remember having. It has some really nice colors, mauve and pinker on one side and red "lips" on the other. The bottom half is white but the top half seems to have a clear base. I was thinking Vitro because of the bottom being white, and how the seams are aligned more like a vitro (which probably aren't good metrics to identifying a Vitro). Thanks for your help!
  12. I'm so sorry Steph!! Punkin was certainly a joy to watch! Yes, certainly a sweet spirit who knew how to live life. No matter how short their stay with us, we never forget. They are family after all. Take care!!!😒❀️
  13. I love this cork. At first the cork looks black, but it is really a dark translucent red.
  14. Funny. I guess my brain was wanting that last one to be an Akro so badly that it was only after you said it is probably an Alley that I also saw Alley. The swirl is way thinner, and as I looked through my Akro marbles for Akro Friday, I noticed that none of them had that type of dark blue that I thought they had. I guess I need to more comparisons. Thanks Chad!
  15. Just purchased a bag of swirls. Here are the ones that I can't ID. The first one is .69" and the last two are .70". Marble 1 has the translucent orange of an Alley. The second one is opaque white swirls in a transparent glass. I'm going to guess Alley. My guess for the last one would be an Akro with half a swirl. I can see a streak of green and a thin line of something darker. Like a hair of something. Seems like the base is clear and the white opaque glass that looks like the base is a separate stream of glass. The colored glass is translucent. So my guess is Alley, Alley, Akro. Thanks for your thoughts!
  16. This had got to be one of the most beautiful marbles I've ever seen. Must be even cooler in hand.
  17. Not a marble, but could pass as one for a giant. This is the first purchase that I made at an antique store before I even thought about collecting marbles. It reminded me of an aunty's house. She lived near the ocean and had many of these in nets hanging by her entry door until someone came and stole them. It's about the size of a volleyball and has the maker's mark on it, and of course, a huge pontil! There was another one for sale that was larger than a basketball or two, but I couldn't wrap my arms around it, and didn't really have a place for it at the time. And it was twice the cost which made the decision even easier.
  18. Ah, makes sense. Well, mine is a trinket tray now. LOL! Thanks Akroorka for the info. And thanks William for finding your photo again! (I tried, but couldn't find it!)
  19. Yes, a very pleasant one, Chad! It helps tremendously when trying to id a marble!!! Maybe now I can figure out more on my own before I ask for help. I couldn't figure out why I still couldn't ID stuff even if I had a photo example from a book sitting right in front of me. Then I realized that seeing the entire marble is so important. Even more important is having you experts who have actually seen and own these marbles to help us with the ID'ing. Nothing better than seeing it "in hand". Thanks!!!!😊
  20. Ah, you could be right there on the Jabo. In the second photo I see a fold that looks kind of like a turkey. And if I remember correctly, Jabos sometimes look like they have turkeys. Thanks Akroorka!
  21. Thank you akroorka! As I keep looking at the fourth one, I'm realizing that the slight waves that I am seeing on the yellow could be from a bit of black coming through. At first I thought that the two colors were mixing, but now I'm thinking that the yellow is a veneer over the black. On Joemarbles.com I saw an opaque black marble listed under Master Marbles. So maybe it is like having that black marble with a yellow veneer over it. So I'm leaning Master Comet as well. Thanks again everyone! You are keeping my brain thinking!
  22. Hah! I didn't realize that when I click on a marble on Joemarbles.com 3 different views appear!
  23. Thanks Chad. Sounds good. I appreciate everyone's input!!!
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