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Everything posted by Marbleized

  1. Thanks Fire1981 and Bruce for the additional info. I wonder what it could be. Definitely Vitro from the looks of the colors.
  2. Hi Everyone, I'm pretty sure that I have Champions here. They came in a bag with other Champions. They are .56" in size. Just wondering if they have a special name. Thanks for your help!
  3. Hmmm. I wonder if every marble collector also has some other type of glass collection. Btw, love those glass floats too Gladys!
  4. I'm pretty sure a lot of people do the same. I did just that a couple of weeks ago when there wasn't a single marble to be found. The bottle I picked up was just a couple of bucks. It has seams, but I thought the uneveness of the glass was interesting.
  5. Looks like the bottle collecting is back!😉👍
  6. Hurray! Thanks Akroorka! Usually I see green as one of the colors so I was a little doubtful.
  7. Wow! I think you'd need to take a forklift along with you!
  8. Hi Everyone, Just wondering if this qualifies as a parrot. I know that it needs four or more colors, but does two types of blue count as two colors? Just found this in a jar of tiger eyes and cat eyes. The size is .67". Thanks for your expertise!
  9. Maybe a better question would be, "See anything that's not interesting?" Then I would respond, "No." Nice score!
  10. The one on the left in your bottom circle of possible pine needles looks really interesting!
  11. Yes, I agree! There's a nice mix of marbles, even if they seem to be the more common ones. There's so much to learn in this bunch! And the toys are so cute! I kept a jar of my small little toys. Always fun to look at. (The things we used to think of as treasures when we were younger--speaking for myself and what I used to find "precious".)
  12. Yes! Show us the buttons! 😀
  13. I just realized something . . . the Blackies in the first bag are actually black based with different color equators. Don't remember seeing those anywhere. Soooo Cool!
  14. Wouldn't it be awesome to have a wing at the Smithsonian dedicated to marbles?!? Not even a wing. I'd be satisfied with an alcove or something.
  15. Nice mibs! I have a marble that kind of looks like the bottom mib. It was id'ed as a foreign marble. It will be in my collection forever.
  16. Your's is interesting because it has quite a lot of bubbles in it. I'm looking at the ones I have and don't see all those bubbles. Just had to comment. I just love bubbly marbles.
  17. Glad you posted this. Your effort was not wasted!!
  18. Yay! Bonniemarbles is back! Miss your posts! And wouldn't you know it. Your first post back is a great one! I know nothing about Heatons. Ready to learn!
  19. I would totally be playing with that skip ball game if I found one. LOL!
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