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Everything posted by Marbleized

  1. Mojo, There really should be a forum called "Mojo's Corner". Seems like we could get a lot of photos and information on the European marbles and learn a lot about what's out there in your corner of the planet.
  2. The first one does look like it would be UV reactive, but turns out that the 2nd one (in the swirl) and the last one (the base) are UV reactive. Yes, after WV swirls, Master marbles are the next most difficult to ID for me. Thanks Akroorka.
  3. Not sure if this is bluish green or greenish blue, but it sure is a chunky swirl. Btw, does anyone know what it is? Thanks!
  4. Wait a minute. You're peeking! 😂
  5. Hi Bonniemarbles! That Rotten Robin is looking pretty fresh to me! Love the colors. Hope you are doing well! At least with marble collecting we will never "lose our marbles". Sorry for the cliche. But, I think that might be a real benefit. Keeps our brains thinking, that's for sure. Take care!
  6. Those champion furnaces are wild! I just have one, but I love looking at everyone else's!
  7. Looks like there is a hint of blue on the vitro, no?
  8. Or maybe I don't. . . 🤔
  9. Yay! Thanks William and Akro75! Maybe my guessing is getting a little better. Or, maybe just lucky this time around. LOL!
  10. Cool marble! Are the poles the same color?
  11. Hi Everyone, Still looking through my "Masters" bag and I'm wondering if these are Masters and if the third one might possibly be a cat's eye? All are .61" except for the 3rd one which is .62". Thank you!!
  12. Hi Everyone, I'm now trying to ID the marbles that I suspect are masters. Need some help, of course. I was thinking that maybe the first is foreign, but I did see a similar green in a Master marble on the JoesMarbles website. The sizes are 1) .69" 2) . 70" 3) . 67" and 4) .65". They are all opaque glass so I'm thinking that they are comets. Yay or Nay? Thanks for your help!!
  13. Missed a few days, but . . . Happy Peltier Tuesday!!! Muddy Pelts are appropriate for today's muddy weather.
  14. Finally found a purpose for all the game marbles that were piling up. LOL!
  15. Nice to see another marble of its kind. Yours is beautiful as well!
  16. Actually, the yellow ones do look MK. I'm thinking because the vanes aren't as wavy as the others. The others were wavier, but they didn't have any greenish tint to the base so I figured they were Vitro. A couple of them do have that hybrid look. Thanks William and Akroorka, once again!
  17. Thanks Al Oregon! I learned something new--"cloudy" cat eyes. Nice!
  18. Thanks again everyone! From the links that Chad sent, seems that the thing that stops this from being a parrot is the size. Maybe it is just a messed up or hybrid tiger eye. It does have that somewhat turquoise blue as a color. At any rate, I'm keeping it!
  19. Hi Everyone, Found this marble in a jar of cat eyes that was sitting on my shelf. Decided to look through this one after finding a bunch of cat eyes in my recent jar purchase. Found a couple of interesting non-cat eyes in the jar. Here is one of them. It seems to be a veneer. White and gray in color, but when backlit, the light shines through. The size is .63". I was thinking Master only because it reminded me of a brushed patch, but just fully covered except for the slivers that aren't covered. Your thoughts are appreciated! Have a great week!
  20. Hi Everyone, Another cat eye question. In the bunch of cat eyes that I recently acquired, there was a cat eye with some white filaments. Wondering if this is a special one. Thanks for your thoughts! (It's .63".)
  21. Hi Everyone, I just separated a bunch of cat eyes from a jar find. They are quite vivid in color so I'm going to put them in a jar on a sunny window sill. But, before doing that I am just curious... I'm thinking these are vitro. Just wondering if I'm correct. Thanks for your "yay" or "nay".
  22. Might this then be considered a parakeet?
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