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Everything posted by Marbleized

  1. Beautiful marble! I don't have those colors in any of my vitros, but my collection is very, very small. Really curious.
  2. I was thinking Akro, but I'm not really sure.
  3. Those are to enjoy right now!😃
  4. I love Marble Connection!!!!!!!🥰
  5. That right there is a display made for the National Toy Museum!
  6. Nice collage, btw. Is that collage #2000? 😉
  7. Somehow I agree with Akroorka, although I can't put my finger on why that is. It seems that in my mind the white glass is thicker looking and doesn't spread out like in the Vitros that I see. But, I don't have enough experience to really know that for a fact.
  8. Thanks WVRons! I know that swirls are tough ones, but I figured I'd ask anyway since everyone's guesses have more experience behind them than mine!
  9. Yes, glass is a very interesting medium to work with. I took a couple of marble making classes where the instructor just piled everyone's marbles into the kiln without keeping track of who put what where. So it was always frustrating to figure out who owned each marble. Since none of us in the class worked with glass ever, we had no clue as to what the glass colors would be once they were heated and cooled. So what I thought would be a beautiful red marble turned out to be almost colorless because apparently I heated it up too much. I gave up on taking those classes. I figured, leave it to the experts and I'll just keep hunting for jars and stuff. Glasswork is an art to be respected. But, it was an interesting experience. New found appreciation, that's for sure.
  10. Wow! That is a humongous one! Those Vacor old-fashions are so tricky. To a novice like me, looks so much like my old Alley. I suppose that is why I bought a Vacor (Red Baron?) thinking it was an Alley. Luckily it wasn't a $100 investment. LOL! (First mib is my Alley. Second mib is my Pseudo Alley aka Vacor Old Fashioned.) I'm still living and learning!
  11. Nice job on those second bunch of pics William! Appreciate the time you spent into redoing them!
  12. Happy Akro Friday! Enjoy your weekends!
  13. Character is all that matters! From your dad's collection--soooo cool!!! I wouldn't give that up for anything.
  14. A thousands collages? Wow, I maybe have about twenty and that takes a lot of time. You've been at it for a while. I did start a digital file after I realized that I may have requested ID help for the same marble twice. At that point I knew it was time to get more organized. 🤔🥴
  15. I think I have one of those augers. I'll need to pull it out and do some comparing. So my current marble project is to take all the marbles of each maker and sort them according to colors and tints (?). Then I was going to take all the marbles that I can't ID and compare them to every group. My work area is going to be a mess for a while. It's a good thing my collection is relatively small. Maybe it's a waste of time, but I figured I'd still learn something out of it. LOL!
  16. Thanks Bruce! Interesting info! I guess they tried all kinds of ingredients back then.
  17. It sort of looks similar to the marble on the JoeMarbles site on page 10.
  18. I call this a chameleon because when I look at it, it looks like a crayola crayon "midnight blue" transparent base with light blue swirls. But when I backlight it, it all of a sudden is clear, with purple, and bluish white (?). The size is .61", maybe a little off round because I got a couple of .60" readings. Thanks for your assistance!
  19. Hi Everyone, Can anyone tell me what this is? I'm thinking some kind of slag. The transparent base is red and the swirls or ribbons are white. But, I see orange swirls or it could be that the glass that sits over the white swirls, close to the surface, shows that the red base might be more orange-red. Not quite sure. Nothing glows, btw. The size is .61". Thanks!
  20. Sorry Chuck, I just have to ask "What is a double shear cut?" Is that what gives the seams a "square" look, or kind of like a fingernail shape? Thanks!
  21. Cool. Didn't know Dr. Pepper was around for so long. Would have a Dr. Pepper over a Coke anyday. LOL.
  22. No apologies necessary. I just love how everyone is willing to share info and let me know what they think. Thanks everyone!
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