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Everything posted by Marbleized

  1. I'm not sure if I was just dreaming. One day I happened to come across someone's display on marbles. It might have been a pinterest post. It was made of a translucent plastic or acrylic and there was backlighting that lit rows of marbles and showed all their beauty. I tried to look for it again, but can't seem to find it. Maybe I was up too late and just hallucinating. I'm driving my husband nuts because I have marbles everywhere! Just thought I'd add some pics. Also, hoping that one of you is the owner of that awesome display.
  2. If only I were so lucky. I love seeing what other people find, though. It keeps me dreaming that there is a mib waiting for me somewhere . . .
  3. Thanks for sharing your expertise with me! Ah, yes, I'm thinking that marble #4 has that fold.
  4. I was searching for some info on other companies that made marbles with the turkey head swirls besides the Christensens and found a forum that popped up with a photo of a marble that looked very similar to one that I got on eBay. Funny thing is, that as I compared the photos to my marble, to my surprise, it was the exact same marble! That made identification quick and easy! I discovered that Jabo also has turkey heads. Marble collecting is full of surprises! Just thought I'd include a photo of a few that were included in that lot. I think they are all Jabos. The more I look at Jabos, the more I fall in love with them.
  5. Wow! I just have to say BEAUTIFUL!
  6. Hi Steph, Thanks! I don't think the second one is a Ravenswood because it doesn't have all the nice ribbons that I thought Ravenswoods have. I need to go to a marble show to see good examples of marbles in real life.
  7. Hi Everyone, I bought these about a year ago at an antique store as Ravenswoods, but I've heard that Ravenswoods are hard to distinguish from other West Virginia swirls and I have my doubts about these, especially the first one because I heard that the ribbons of a Ravenswood can be wild. I figured that I'd just put it out there, being that many of you are very familiar with this make and colors that you can tell right off the bat. I've tried to "quarter turn" them. 1. an opaque brownish orange in sunlight ( but in my light box it looks more mauve)seems to be the base, the swirl is a translucent green with white and seems to have some of the brownish orange in it as well. .60". 2. a clear base in sunlight that seems to turn into dark brown when taken away; the swirl is of an opaque white and translucent tan. .60". 3. a minty green base--not sure if it is opaque but I can see slits of translucence so the green seems to swirl around with the translucent blue ribbon and a touch of white, too. .58" 4. light blue base with translucent orange swirl and a little opaque white that follows the swirl here and there. .61". 5. Opaque white base with an translucent olive green swirl that looks a like pine green out of the light. .62" I've added another photo of the marbles under LED lighting that totally changes the colors and makes my descriptions above sound inaccurate. I think they are beautiful so if they are not Ravenswoods, I won't be too disappointed. Thanks for your help.
  8. Oops, forgot to add-- "in my extremely novice opinion."
  9. I'm new to marbles but just found out that one of my marbles was probably foreign made and for some reason the first thing that came to mind when I saw this pic was foreign, too. I think it has to do with the colors. The older marbles are richer in color.
  10. The marble looks like it is well-made. I guess it is my Master-Wannabe. Thanks for your help!
  11. Actually, I had a hunch that it might be an Imperial, but was hoping that is was an Akro or Master. I guess I have to admit that the colors do look off. Thanks for the reality check! (Also, when I think about it, I've never seen a green like that in the Akros that I have.)
  12. Hi Everyone, I'm slowly trying to identify the marbles that I've pick up here and there. The patch has pinkish red, white, and browns. Thinking this one might be an akro since it glows under blacklight. It also has a flat looking seam. But the browns remind me of the ones I have in some of my sunbursts. No lashes. It is .66" in size. Thanks for your help!
  13. Or maybe the circle is from a reheat where a glass rod was detached? It certainly does swirl! Thanks!
  14. Here's a marble that I just got in a lot. Basically, this is the marble that caught my eye. I loved all the drizzly glass and the grayish blue color. While I was looking at it more closely, I noticed an outline of a circle that I thought might be some kind of pontil, so I'm thinking a slag because of the tail, a transitional because of the pontil like circle, and CAC because it is one of the earlier companies that made slags. Any confirmations or differing opinions appreciated! The last pic shows the circle.
  15. Also, thank you Wvrons for the response about the whitie. Yes, the colors definitely are more vibrant on the older marbles which was why I had to ask about the one I posted.
  16. Ahh...might not have thought about it if you didn’t ask the question! I guess you know that it is a blackie since you have the bag. Interesting.
  17. Hi Everyone, Wondering if this is a Vitro Whitie. The marble base is clear on the inside. The ribbon is a translucent mauve like translucent brownish purple that has a watered down look when lit. The entire marble actually looks translucent when lit. The size is 0.60". Unusual for what I currently have. I would appreciate any replies on this. Thank you!
  18. Thanks Steph! I’m learning a lot from your post on seams, btw!—Gail
  19. I'm a beginner so I still like to buy jars of marbles just for the fun of it, if it is not too expensive. But, already, I've bought a few marbles that are not what they were thought to be. When I'm not sure, I don't buy anything expensive. If you buy something that is extremely collectible or rare, it is good to have a trusted knowledgeable source. Making mistakes, though, comes with the territory. This site is awesome because you can look at other posts to learn stuff. Sometimes book photos don't have the clarity that some pics on this site have.
  20. Just wondering, is it probably an akro because of the "eyelash" looking lines or the one straight seam? Or is it because it doesn't seem to have a transparent base? Thanks for answering my newbie questions, in advance.
  21. It's a beautiful marble, a keeper for the future, I would think.
  22. Thanks Steph! I always go the impression that Cairo marbles weren't all that collectible, but this one is going into my keep box, whatever it may be. Thanks again!--Gail
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