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Everything posted by Marbleized

  1. Funny! I think it was in USA Today that I read marble racing is becoming popular since there are no sports events to go to. Maybe another marble fad is around the corner.
  2. I think that might be a good idea, putting the electronic devices away. How much can the news change in a day, anyway. But, we all have to save some time for Marble Connection, right? I'm enjoying reading what everyone is posting. Gotta just make the best of things. I'm also catching up on old-fashioned letter writing. Take care!
  3. Marbleized

    view 3.jpg

    Nice! What is the marble in the middle?
  4. I didn't know marble "derbies" were a thing! It was fun to watch everyone fighting for the lead! I almost felt that the marbles had real drivers!Thanks for sharing! Subscribed.
  5. Hi Steph, Waving back Good luck on completing your "bombucha" paperwork!
  6. Thanks! I find that one of the difficulties for me, as a novice, is remembering to keep all these characteristics in mind. When I remember to look for one, I forget to compare another.😬
  7. Wow! Nice surprise! Thanks for all of your help! To think it was just sitting in my box of marbles waiting for me to pay attention to it. I can see why Al Oregon was feeling Marble King. I'm currently digging through my Marble Kings and came across something that resembled the peltier a little. It has that somewhat pronounced seam. Thanks again!
  8. Hi Steph and Marble Connection People, Here's some pics of a marble that I think is a Peltier but was thinking that I might be a Jabo because it was bigger than most of my Peltiers (.66") and the marble was in too great a shape to find in an antique store for a dollar. Also, one of the seams looks more "pointed" than my other pelts. Do you think it could be an NLR? I won't be disappointed if it is a Jabo, but would be stoked if it is an NLR.
  9. Hi Steph, I'll just post some pictures in the ID forum. Thanks!
  10. Just a few more. I think they are all peltiers.😶
  11. Just realized that a Vitro snuck in there, 2nd row #5. Oops.
  12. Lot's of time to separate my marbles. Here are some of my Peltiers. Pretty common ones, but I love the colors and especially love the ones with the bubbly transparent bases. (I kind of have some doubt about the third row sixth marble. It's larger and the seam that is visible has more of a point than the other Pelts that I have. Maybe someone has some feedback on that one.) I love the "muddy' one that I just got. There's a little dark bluish thread that swirls with the ribbons.
  13. Sometimes the meandering path is the best one! I love to meander and "go without a plan". It drives my husband nuts. He likes the straight and focused path. LOL!
  14. I can imagine how tough it is for everyone particularly in the food and hospitality industry and the health care industry. It's a crazy time. A tuba sounds like fun and I'm thinking the cats might not mind the lower frequency. Fortunately, my two old cats don't mind the flute. I think they are a little hard of hearing. So far, the neighbors haven't told me to stop LOL! Take care!!
  15. You folks are awesome! I can imagine the kids' reactions when they receive their marbles!
  16. Speaking of books, I have a few, but I still think that nothing beats seeing and feeling the marbles "in hand". Capturing the color and getting the right lighting takes a lot of time. It seems that you have a keen sense of color. I can imagine how helpful that is when trying to identify marbles.
  17. I will have to look up what a CAC cobra is. Never heard of it! Thanks again!
  18. I think subconsciously, I took up marble collecting because there are treasures to be found without breaking the pocketbook. For now, I am happy "ooing and ahhing" over everyone else's marbles on Marble Connection! Thanks!
  19. Hi Everyone, Just shooting the breeze right now. Our county has informed us that we should seriously practice social distancing, so I'm trying to do my part. Luckily, I have the marbles to keep me occupied. I've been looking through the ones that I bought in jars, trying to identify them. So if I am posting too much, you know why. Also, picked up my flute again, but I'm not sure if the neighbors are happy about that! LOL! Stay safe and healthy!--Gail
  20. Hi Bonnie, I just joined not too long ago. I think the first time I posted something, I posted it 4 times by accident. Steph and staff are very patient and helpful! I liked your jar story. I think that I should probably be saving the jars that I find the marbles in. LOL, the jar collectors would be furious with me for saying that!
  21. Hi Heston, Can't wait to see what you've collected! I love this site! So much info and so many people willing to share their knowledge!
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