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Everything posted by Marbleized

  1. Not sure what this lockdown is doing to my brain, but decided that I NEED to check out my marbles, not the ones in my brain... If I could get some assistance in identifying these marbles, it would be greatly appreciated. They are nicked up but nice to have as a reference if I can id them. Left to Right: .94" celedon green or creamy mint base, tangerine orange swirl, there is a tiny bit of white glass that swirls in a flat oval in the third picture. .67" extremely slight greenish opaque base, light taupe streaks that get into a patch that gooes from orange to red to a dark reddish brown (possibly oxblood?) seams come to a point as if a soft candy cane was twisted apart into pieces, if that makes sense. Maybe an imperial? I've added a couple of pics to try to get the seams or poles. .62" clear and opaque "base", a ribbon that has an effect of a paint brush of lavender purple where the paint pushes along the edges of the brush as it moves, if that makes sense. Possibly a champion? .60" crazy swirls of striations of orange and a blue that reminds me of those veins that you find when deveining shrimp, if that makes sense. The white sort of creates this illusion as it looks like shrimp flesh that is not quite cooked yet. LOL. Some kind of VW swirl, possibly a champion? I really love the swirls on this one. Thanks! (Hope things are going well for all of you!)
  2. It seems that tasks take twice the effort because of covid19. Just to get groceries, I’m mapping my path to open the least amount of doors, trying to develop a routine of where to keep my only bottle of hand sanitizer, not rubbing my eyes, social distancing, sanitizing everything when I get back into the house...I haven’t been able to get to my marbles to post for id help or to try out the gallery, but I do enjoy checking to see everyone else’s posts for the time being—until I get my routine going smoothly. Be safe!
  3. Just imagine! People used to play with those marbles!! : P
  4. Sure does help! Thanks! And, I will make sure that my diva, Star stays out of the photos! She already has a selected photo on a Yelp site with her head in a cup. : P
  5. Hi Everyone, Just wondering what are the rules and guidelines for posting photos on the gallery. Also, what is the limit for posting here? I did see a question about deleting and it sounds like the staff is in charge of that. Correct? Thanks!!
  6. Thanks for the feedback everyone! Well, now I will have to look for a kokomo to do the comparison, Peltier Mibber! I curious about what I'll find in a comparison of the two!
  7. Popcorn Knight. Lately, every night's been a popcorn night!
  8. That would be nice! They are pretty amazing , all the strands of color...Thanks!
  9. Thanks! The cynic in me always thinks if something looks special, it's probably not what I think it is. LOL! But I have to say, some of my favorite marbles are Jabos and Vacors.
  10. Great collection!! I probably wouldn't be able to resist playing with it if I had one! My favorite is the spirally tower with the solid cup. I would think you'd have to go to an auction to find these. I've never seen them in a shop or at a flea. Thanks for sharing your photos!
  11. Ha! Don't know what made me use "clockwise" instead of "left to right"! Maybe marbles have gotten me to think in circles! Thanks! I've never heard of a "Perfection" box. The Akro must have been gorgeous in mint condition because it is impressive even with so many dings on it! I'm thinking that the Champions were part of a dug find because of all the little pieces of imbedded dirt. They've all enjoyed a good outdoor life, but like my cats, they are now indoor marbles that are beautifully aged. Thanks!
  12. Hi Everyone, I came across these when putting away the marbles from my post a couple of minutes ago and decided to see if I could get positive identification on them. At first, I was thinking Master Marble Sunbursts, but the clear glass base reminds me of a Vitro. So Vitro would be my first guess. Master is my second. Foreign, like an Imperial would be my third, but these seem to be nice quality marbles. I think these came from a bag, but I didn't label them so can't be sure... They are 0.65' btw. Thanks!
  13. Just wondering if someone can help with identifying these marbles. Here are my guesses (clockwise, starting from top right--couldn't rotate) 1. Akro 0.68" base is clear cherry red w/ opaque white swirl 2. Jabo, but hoping Peltier 0.65" looks to be totally opaque colors 3. Champion or WV swirl 0.62" translucent orange swirl that could be the base swirled with a creamed butter yellow opaque glass. 4. Peltier, maybe a sunset 0.65", base looks clear and slightly bubbly, with translucent orange ribbons and wispy white ribbons swirling throughout They are all wel-played with, but are keepers for me because of the colors and patterns. Just wanted to know what I'm keeping. Thanks for your help, once again!
  14. Nice! The patterns feign the reflection of light fixtures, looking at the photos. Must be even more awesome in real life!
  15. Thanks! Lee's sounds especially interesting being that they have the memorabilia. Maybe one day I'll check it out.
  16. I was thinking that someone should reintroduce this game now that marble racing is becoming a thing. I'd play with it. A lot of teachers might have students play with it, too. Cool!
  17. Whoa! Beautiful!! I would have kept that one, too!
  18. Just wondering if there is a museum of marbles that holds items like these.
  19. That is a beautiful marble! I've never even seen one of those "in hand". Here's one (nothing fancy like yours) that, as I rolled some marbles around in a tray, I got all excited over until I gave it a roll and saw the chip. My heart dropped for a minute. But, I will hold on to it for a while because I might be able to strategically display it on a shelf or something... Great topic, btw!
  20. Nice!!! I remember seeing masks that had animal faces and designs on them somewhere, way before this coronavirus came along. They were so cute and uplifting. Bless your daughter's heart and all the people who work with her as well! They are all heroes, facing this virus with all its challenges! You must be so proud of her! Take care!
  21. One of my cats just uses my computer as her bum warmer. My other cat thinks he's a chicken on eggs and sits on my marbles when I have them splayed over the table. LOL!
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