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Everything posted by Marbleized

  1. I found a bag of marbles that I had put away because I couldn't identify them easily. Time to try again. Here are a few that I am apt to label as Jabo, except for the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th. Any feedback will be much appreciated! 1. Thinking Jabo because of that diaper looking fold, through which I can see light shining. Everything seems opaque, other than between the fold, except for maybe the yellow. I see blue, lavender, yellow strands on one side and dark red and orange on the other . Size is 63". (Out of round so either polished or "dud".) 2. I'm thinking this a Vitro because of that red line and the open clear "face" that a helmet might have. that light blue reminds me of that on a hybrid cateye. There's a streak of olive green. Size is 60". 3. Looks like a one colored Fancy Conqueror if there is such a thing. When I shine a light through it, there is a light yellowish mint green glow. The white veneer looks like it is thickly brushed on. Size .60". Maybe Anacortes (looks like a green that I saw in Steph's scan of her box of Anacortes Vitros in my "Marble Kings?" post. .60" 4. A really plain looking marble, but interesting somewhat vibrant pinkish salmon color with what looks like a brown tracer. .62" 5. Thinking it's a Jabo or Cairo. Like the 4th marble, this marble has color only on one side, with a tiny ooze on the other. Colors are dark and light brown. The white base is somewhat translucent. When I shine a light on it, I can see light going through the fold. I also see more lines in the browns. This one is off round so the largest diameter is .62". 6. This marble is a swirl of orange, yellow, and white (very little). The orange as it thins looks more salmon colored. Size .58". Thank You!
  2. I've been getting a notice saying that Marble Alan's Encyclopedia has expired. Anyone else getting this same message? Hopefully, it is a temporary or erroneous message.
  3. I'm looking at my downloaded pics and thinking that another attribute that might say foreign is that greenish opaque color with the blue.
  4. Good Saturday Morning Everyone., Just wondering if you good give me some feedback on this marble. I'm thinking Vacor or foreign because of the pattern. But just wishful thinking that it could be a funky Vitro. It has the same orange color as an All Red and some seams that look like a possible Vitro. Not sure if you can see these. Also, it doesn't have any orange peel look to the glass. The size is .59". Thanks!
  5. Guessing peltiers? I have some that have that same smoky grayish greenish bubbly bases.
  6. When I was telling my husband about the "bruiser" marble he asked me what color it was. I told him, "black and blue". There was sudden pause as we both turned to each other. Then we both chuckled because we made the color and name connection that was staring us in the face all this time.
  7. Thanks Al! The "V" was so glaring that I thought it was too good to be true. LOL!
  8. Thanks Bruce! I was wondering about the Peltier. I wasn't too sure about it being an MK because they usually have those patches at the poles (?). Cool if it is a bruiser! Forgot about those. πŸ‘
  9. Additional thought for #3--could it possibly be a peltier? But that "V" is just getting in the way of my thinking.
  10. I would appreciate any help in identifying some of the shooters that I have. I think all of my larger marbles have come from jar finds or as freebies, so I'm not expecting to find out that I have "winners", but I like trying to figure out what they are. 1. This is a nice bubbly translucent red marble with a white and tan ribbon. I don't see any seams, just a slight as made crease that goes down the "u" in the first pic. Size is .86". I couldn't find an exact match on the Vacor site, but it looked close to a couple. 2. this looks like a marble king. The blue base is quite dark and has a black ribbon going around the middle. the ribbon on one half is wider than the other half. The seams are ever so slightly curved. There are no patches. Size is .88". 3. This one has a "V" that looks too good to be true. I'd like to say Vitro, but I don't see any seams. So maybe Jabo. The size is .84". 4. This one has a skim milk looking base with swirls of browns and orange. Size is .79". I'm thinking it's a WV swirl. Thanks for helping me, in advance.
  11. I just thought I'd pay attention to some of my larger marbles-- the Bombuchas. Where I grew up (Hawaii), we called the larger marbles "bombuchas". A lot of the words in Hawaii's pidgin English evolve as immigrants arriving to work in the canefields tried to communicate with each other and the locals. Example: "bumbye" comes from "bye and bye" meaning "otherwise" or "eventually". I'm not sure how this word bombucha or bumbucha came to be, but it basically means "large". (If you were to listen to me speak with my friends in Hawaii, you might need a translator. LOL.) 1. This is an Akro, but I'm not sure if it is just a corkscrew or a snake. The ribbons aren't flat and laying on the surface, You need sunglasses when a black light is put up to it. .96". 2. This is a swirl that is basically lavender with a bit of light blue swirling around. Opaque. .96". I have not clue. I don't notice any seams. Modern? 3. Maybe a Peltier Rainbo? Translucent white base (that looks opaque without a flashlight) and the blue looks more like a thin translucent wash than a ribbon, but the lines are opaque. .94". 4. Maybe a Marble King Rainbow? the "bottom" half has striations of oranges, browns, and yellows, part of a ribbon above it is dark brown. There is a dark brown patch that goes across the top. I see one seam. The other could have been where there is an as made crease. 1.03" 5. Thinking it might be an Alley or WV swirl. But, the patch on the top makes me think it is something else. It has a white more opaque than translucent base with a reddish orange swirl that, when magnified seems to have a bit of a pink tint on one edge and a more orange tint on the other. Also there is also a bit of brown here and there tracing the ribbon. It's not a very attractive marble, but I'm just curious as to what it could be. .96".
  12. Thanks WVRons for the extra history. That's the best part of collecting, knowing the whens and wheres of each marble. I think I got this from a jar, so 25 cents was worth it for this beginner. Peltier was my guess when I first got it. But I've been learning a lot from all the posts on this site so my latest guess was "Alley". I guess Covid is allowing me the time to do some homework. Thanks again.
  13. Actually, it does have very little aventurine in it, but any sparkles in the picture comes more for the dings in the marble. Thanks!
  14. Deepest sympathies to all whose lives Mr. Shaw has touched. I'm sure that he has inspired many of you just as you all are inspiring me.
  15. Anyone who has read my posts knows that I think every marble that I have is special. Here's one that seems a bit odd. It is green and white, seems to have a matte like appearance, has a very noticeable seam that you can see, but can't feel. Just wondering if someone can tell me a little about it. It is .66". Is it old and special, or just old and special to me? πŸ˜‰ Thanks!
  16. Just saw this post. Interesting. I was just having a conversation in my head that is related to this. I keep saying that I'm going to spend my money on something that I really want, but there's something about that "jar of unknowns" that keeps me buying them. I guess, it's like a cow's "fourth stomach" --there will always be a spot for these marbles. I have some really beaten up marbles that you would never know were beaten up until you take out that dream buster magnifier. Instead of putting the marble away, I put away the magnifier. πŸ˜‰
  17. Cool! It’s just amazing ... if marbles could talk... I wonder what this marble has seen in it’s existence. BTW, no rush. Whenever you have time. Thanks!
  18. Hi Steph, I may have found one of those Anacortes Vitros that you have in your scan. I'm attaching pics. The green translucent base is bubbly and the white patch is very opaque (seems thick). There also seems to be threads or streaks of white that go from pole to pole which makes the green seem a little lighter than the green in my helmets. The size is .63" though. Slightly bigger than the ones i originally posted.
  19. Trying to do my research . . . I was mainly curious about the middle patch, but I thought I'd ask about the others while I'm at it. The first (.63") looks like a Peltier Peerless, but I'm double checking since it is pretty shiny so I thought it might be a newer edition or a copycat brand. The middle one (.63") looks to me like it could be newer Peltier patch because the colors don't pop. It has an opaque mint green base and a translucent bubbly yellow patch. I was guessing that the last marble (.63") is a Master, but I wasn't too sure since the seams were not that curved or pointed. All feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  20. I found this marble in the jar that I just picked up recently at an antique shop. Just curious because I love the pattern and colors on this Marble King Rainbow, .62". The ribbons are a pinkish, maroonish raspberry like red that transitions into a translucent brown. Just thought I'd ask because I really love the look of this marble. Anything special? I wouldn't be disappointed if it weren't. Thanks!
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