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Everything posted by Marbleized

  1. I've heard about the snipe programs, but never tried them. I probably everyone because my strategies of buying are so old-school and somewhat nonchalant. If I don't get it, it was meant to be. But, I do get sweaty palms when I'm waiting for the right time to press that send button! LOL!
  2. I get a lot of info by looking at the photos you folks all post. The colors are accurate and the photos are sharp. Sometimes, it is hard to purchase marbles on eBay because the pics aren't all that clear and accurate. I think it would be worth paying an entrance fee to go to a marble show. The characteristics of the marbles that I hold in my hand would stick to my brain cells a whole lot better. That was my plan in retirement. Unfortunately, that came to a screeching halt because of covid. 🥴 Praying for a vaccine soon!
  3. Seems that member "I'll Have That One" already has "that one"!!! Just made the connection between your profile pic and the last photo WVrons shared!! Cool!!! 😎
  4. Wow! Beautiful collection! (And what an investment!) Hard to believe that these are machine made! I'm glad that one of the cases ended up in your hands. Seems like it is one of your ongoing missions, to complete the case. Also glad that Mr. Alley kept his grandpa's case intact. Obviously, there was a lot of pride felt in their product to have them put in such well-made cases. I noticed that half the case was just covered with a black material. Was that so the buyer could place the marbles on that side to examine them? I love those snakeskins! Had I found one before this thread, I might not have appreciated it as much! It's amazing how a little education gives one a different outlook on things! If I ever find any of those in the wild, I'll let you know! I could only hope, right?! Thanks again for sharing!
  5. Wow! I've never heard about or seen any of these! I'd better not sell marbles until I'm about to die. There's too much I don't know about. But, on the other hand, if I sell something that I didn't know was worth a lot, that just means that I didn't like it and it would be better off in the hands of someone who did appreciate it.🥴
  6. If there is something that I REALLY want, I just overbid. I figured that the last place you will get a bargain is on eBay. LOL!
  7. Just curious, the one that looks "MK-ish". . . is that a rare one? I've never a rainbow with more than one color. Thanks.
  8. I was actually debating if I should redo it because one of the marbles totally had no fire. I love that you got so into it that you didn't realize the sun tan! When I get into something I can spend hours and days on it, until my husband brings me back to earth. LOL! It's like my marbles that I didn't realize I had so many of. I was determined to label every single one. So now you know why I was getting so frustrated with the swirls! I had to tell myself to accept the fact that I couldn't ID them all. Done. Sort of. Have a great week!
  9. Yeah, I probably should have regrouped them according to brightness. The other problem that I was having was that my flashlight had a narrow range so I probably should have included less marbles. I was at the bottom of my bowl of marbles and decided to take a photo of the ones that were UV reactive before I put everything away. Sorry. I was being lazy. LOL!
  10. Hi Tel Marbles, I just noticed that I have a marble like yours in the fourth block of marbles, bottom right square. It is just a light green marble that glows profusely under a black light. Is that a Jabo, too? Thanks!
  11. I'm pretty sure that even with a point and shoot, not everyone can take photos as nice as the one you shared, Jeeperman. Nice!
  12. My plan was going to be to check out the local thrift shops, since I just moved. But then Covid 19 caused them to close. The last thing I bought at a thrift shop was a button made out of an antler for a dollar. It was the coolest thing.
  13. That explains why you know so much! And, you know a lot about the tough ones (those darn swirls)! Digging for marbles must have been really interesting. You should write an autobiography. 👍
  14. Just thought I'd add a photo of a few of my glowing marbles. Looks like they belong in a mad scientist's lab. : o (Sorry. One escaped the light!)
  15. Yeah. I guess I have to accept the fact that I won’t be able to identify everything exact. Lol.
  16. Hurray! What a way to finish my marble id task! Thanks WVrons. BTW, I may have finally figured something out. The “WV” in your user name stands for “West Virginia” as in WV swirls, right? I may be a little slow to notice things, but my marbles eventually make the connection! Thank you for always being there to help!
  17. My eyes are swirling from looking at too many marbles. So, here is my last bunch of swirls that I'd like to ask about before I take a break from my identifying frenzy. These all have a base that have an antique bone white opaque base. The first has a more tan base and a brown swirl that looks more opaque than translucent. It is .61". The second two have translucent swirls. The middle marble is .66" and the last marble is .57". I'm thinking Alley. Thank you!
  18. The second marble just has a thin glowing swirl that follows the white swirl. It glows green. The base doesn't glow. It's nearly impossible to identify these without having a lot of viewing experiences. There are so many color combinations in base and swirl. It's mind boggling! Thanks for all the enlightenment.😃
  19. Yeah, just wondering if I should just label all my unidentifiable swirls "WV" since there seems not to be a definitive way of identifying these. I figured that I'd try, but it seems impossible.🥴
  20. Don't let the marbles hear us. They think they are the highlights of my collection! 😝 LOL! Thanks WVrons and Steph!
  21. Yay! I got 1 out of 4 this time! Thanks Steph!
  22. Here's another four marbles that I'm hoping to find out more about. Thanks for putting up with my unexperienced guessing. (left to right) 1. This one has a murky yellowish transparent base with translucent white and sienna brown swirls or ribbons that seem to stay on the surface. There is a tunnel and road pattern, but I think that is by chance. I can see a big bubble in the middle of the marble. It has an illusion that it is glowing in sunlight. .61" The colors reminds me a a Cairo that I have. 2. This has a champagne colored transparent base, kind of a pinkish orangish ale. The swirls are white and have a few thin swirls like a slag. The size is .67". I'm thinking it might be a CAC or Alley. 3. This has a dark purple transparent base that actually looks very light, almost clear when lit up. The White swirl is very thick in most parts. The size is .62". I'm thinking it is a Champion. 4. This marble has very tine bubbling in its light champagne amber base. The white ribbon dips into the base a couple of times. The size is .64". Champion or West Virgina swirl? Thanks again for your help. Whatever information I receive will help me identify similar marbles that I have been avoiding to identify until nowIMG_6637.HEIC.
  23. Hi Everyone, I'm getting to the end of my marble box. Now what I have left are the marbles that I've been dreading to identify. So I have some shoddy reasons for making my guesses. I have four marbles (left to right). 1. Transparent green base. Feathery ribbons of white with possibly lavenderish (bluish depending on the lighting) and brown edges. Goes into the marble. There are both large and small bubbles, but not bubbly like a Peltier bubbly. The marble glass has an appearance of having fine grooves like some kind of leaded stained glass. size is .64". Thinking that it is a Champion since Ravenswoods don't often come in this size? 2. Looks like the first, so it could be the same, but the glass is not as clear, the ribbons are not really feathery and lack the lavender and brown edges and large bubbles. This marble has the same same groove pattern as the first marble. The size is .61". Champion again? 3. This marble has a more minty green clear base. I see a couple of big bubbles, but none of the smaller bubbles. There are no grooves or striations. The ribbons look more like wisps of smoke suspended in the glass. The size is .66". Maybe an Akro slag? Or another Champion. 4. This has a transparent blue base and the white ribbons are bolder and look somewhat like flat noodles in the middle. The size is .64". I can't even guess what this might be, West Virginia swirl? Thanks!
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