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Everything posted by Marbleized

  1. I'll have to keep my eyes open for the yellow and white ribbons then. 😉
  2. Thanks Fire1981! It is certainly an odd one. It was in a bunch of Jabos and Vitros which is why it stood out so much. I was thinking it was a "muddy gone wrong". Thanks again!
  3. This marble was so bland compared to the shiny colorful ones around it in a jar that it stood out. Now I have to find out what it is. The lighter pic of one of the seams shows the color more accurately. The light tries to go through it, but it seems that the ribbon and tiny bubbles create a shadow. The base looks kind of like caramel, but slightly more yellow. The ribbon is like a sea foam green or creamy mint. It's .63". Really odd color combo. Added tons of pics. Thanks for your help!
  4. I know this is an old thread, but I'm just starting to catch up. This is why I love this site. The people here are knowledgeable, civil, and hold much integrity. I wish all sites and blogs held such a high standard. I appreciate all of you.
  5. Wow! Punkin is a speedigazoo! And so focused too! Best to have two kittens at the same time. Otherwise you would have had to be a participant in the "violent games" that kittens play! Thanks for sharing! (I can never get enough kitty photos and videos!)
  6. Both are beautiful! I would love a Peltier clown to be in the middle of a jar that I find. LOL. BTW, what is that marble that you are using as your avatar?
  7. Good to know. I didn't think the patches were Champions. Also the price for bagged vintage marbles was just not right. But, there were a couple of marbles that I liked so I figured "no harm". I did not know that Champion didn't make marbles larger than ¾". I'll have to remember that. Thanks everyone!
  8. Awwww! Missed the intro of your two new fur babies! Adorable! Recent pics coming soon? Hope they are doing well!
  9. So much info. You all need to write a book. Or did you and I don't know about them?
  10. I had my suspicions but for the price I wasn't expecting much and couldn't resist. Though the top bag could be newer Champions and the second bag looks like a lot of newer champion swirls (? --.52- .55 in size) and patches, and game marbles as well. Who knows, maybe even some Mega brand marbles. Thanks for the info on the history of the Champion marble, bags, and headers sale. Good to know!
  11. More of a surprise than a score, perhaps. I think this is a Master. It was in the middle of a quart-sized jar of vintage buttons. I was not expecting that. Maybe it was meant to be. The marble now has a home, fracture and all. LOL
  12. A couple of months ago I came across some bags of marbles. They were inexpensive so I bought a couple for fun. I'm not good with bags of marbles as I tend to open them and there goes the value if any. I was just curious if these are original Champions in original packaging. The first pic is a bag of transparent, swirls with transparent bases, and opaque game looking marbles that mimic a brick look. The next pic is of the four marbles that I removed from the bag. My third and fourth pics are of another bag, but the styles seem so varied that I am doubting that the packaging is original. Again, there is such a variety of styles and sizes. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  13. It's somewhat consoling knowing that even the best can make an error or two once in a while. 😉
  14. Seems that I've been missing out on a lot since the last time I logged in! Got a lot of catching up to do. So many photos in the gallery and topics to check out! Just need to thank everyone for keeping this site rollin'!
  15. OMG BerryB! I would love to turn a case like yours into a coffee table! And that corner is to die for! I would do that in a heartbeat if my husband gave me the go ahead! It's like those I Spy books! Soooooooo interesting to look at! But, you seem to have an eye for making what could be a potential clutter quite organized and eye appealing. Thanks everyone for sharing! Even Chad's printer tray would be an awesome glass top coffee table. I need to find someone's garage and a few tools. The downside of living in a condo.
  16. Thanks Steph! I need to do some catching up. Not sure why I haven't been looking through or for marbles lately. Maybe the days are getting colder so I'm trying to get out into the woods to enjoy the fresh air and wildlife. And trying to work off last winter's fuel reserves before I start to refuel, if you know what I mean. Any chance of giving the marbles a swoosh to see some of the other sides? Thanks.
  17. Even the white marbles have different swirls, opaqueness, tints. It's hard to pack these away, still.
  18. That Reticello Marble Making video was so mesmerizing! Totally magical. I can watch it over and over. Thanks for sharing Chad!
  19. If I compare it to your scan, it looks like this marble has more bubbles and the white patch stays closer to the surface than the vitros?
  20. Glad to see you up and about, Boris64! Marbles, vitamins, I guess they both make people feel good. Take care!
  21. Wow! Learning a lot! I never knew that there were such a thing as metallic pelts (Al Oregon's Post)!
  22. LOL! Must have been an awesome win when you succeeded "I'llhavethat1"!
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