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Everything posted by Marbleized

  1. I'm going off topic . . . the cat that you used for your profile is beautiful. Slightly more on topic . . . the handmade marbles with the pontils remind me of the Japanese glass float that I found many decades ago in the Pacific Ocean.
  2. The ones that I see are usually refills. Even if the mibs just happen to match the label, they are usually not mint. I'm that person who will open the bags anyway, so I probably should never buy the authentic bags of marbles.
  3. I really love that leaf bowl! Perfect for the fall season coming around the corner! I'll have to look for one of those the next time I go antiquing.
  4. But what if there was a Guinea in the middle of that huge jar?!! 😆
  5. People who don't own cats can't believe we allow the cats on the counters and tables. 🤣
  6. Hi Steph, From your photo, the way that the light shines on the two types of marbles are different. The whites of the Ace look more like skim milk and the Moss looks more like what I'd imagine bubbly sugar syrup would look like. I'll need to go dig through my Akros and compare them better. Thanks. Really beautiful set of marbles, btw!!!! 😍
  7. Thanks Chad! I added a couple more photos, but I don't think they add much detail. But just in case. Thanks again.
  8. Here are three mibs that I am just curious about. The first is a Jabo, I think. The second is just a pretty marble that I have no clue about. And the third seems nondescript, but just wondering what it might be. Thanks for satisfying my curiosity, in advance.
  9. I couldn't go through Akro Friday without posting something. Nothing unique, just a trio "found in the wild".
  10. From what I know the old handmade ones will have a pontil where the marble has been sheared off from the cane or punty that it was made from. Then pontil is often filed or smoothened out. You see this on the German hand mades. With the modern ones, I guess with the tecnnology, you can't even see these. I guess they polish them really well. You can probably find photos of what a pontil looks like on the site. The seasoned collectors have way more info.
  11. Exudes Akro! Lovely color combo!
  12. Wow! Nice score! I'm happy if I can find peltier rainbos in a jar. I would be screaming as if I won the lottery if I ever found a batch like yours. LOL!
  13. Here are three marbles that I found in a recent jar purchase. I'm thinking Master, Akro, Akro? But for all I know they could all be foreign. The last blue, yellow, and white marble has a dull finish(like watered down ink or something). Any help is always appreciated. Thanks!
  14. The posts are so interesting that I get so into reading them, then I forget how far back I'm going. I guess you could say that the posts on this site are timeless! (And priceless!)
  15. This novice wants to know what that first pic of wvrons is called.Thanks.
  16. What distinguishes a tomato from a game marble? Just wondering. I have a lot of game marbles that I'm afraid to "toss" hoping that I'll find something by surprise.
  17. Yeah, I just retired and it seems that everyday is now a Saturday. And apparently, my new week is now Sat, Tues., Tues., Sat, Sat, Sat, Sat. 🥴
  18. My Bad! I got an email from Marble Connection about Peltier Tuesday and panicked! LOL!!!!! I guess I still have Novocain on the brain. Oh well, for once I am proactive! HAHA!!!
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