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Chad G.

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Chad G. last won the day on September 3

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About Chad G.

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  • Location
    Longview Washington
  • Interests
    GOD, my family, mushroom picking, hunting, marbles, Pelt, Alley, German handmades, anything outdoors

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Chad G.'s Achievements

Marble Queen or King

Marble Queen or King (15/15)

  • Great Support Rare
  • One Year In
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  1. X2, LINK :: https://www.billes-en-tete.com/liste_billes.php?lang=en
  2. Great new avatar adaptation Steph !! I like's it
  3. A mish mash of rehashed slags from assorted manufacturers for this "Slags & Swirls Saturday"
  4. Agree, the bottom 7 are newer Marble King and the top 5 are Cat Eyes
  5. I agree, it looks like a German sparkler to me
  6. "Welcome to Marble Connection" Antique German Divided Ribbon Core, nice mib
  7. What I call a flag marble (naked single ribbon core) for this "Thüringen Thursday"
  8. The blue one is a figure 8 fer sher, 99% on the red just from the views "Nice mibs"
  9. I have no idea how many times I've posted this but it is by far my very favorite Alley for this "West Virginia Wednesday" I do believe I've beaten this horse into it's second death !!
  10. Flames are identified as having @ least 5 visible "tips" on one side, I don't think manufacturer matters since it's a type of marble and not specific to any certain manufacturer (to my knowledge) Having said all that I'd consider yours a regular "but nice" veiligglas. C'mon @Mojo where ya @ Brother ??
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