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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Peltier Rainbo, Akro snake
  2. Yes I seen that, mostly round gas bubble pops IMO, unfortunately common in pelts.
  3. It's the cousin of the white feathered ghost come to taunt you .... ... BTW did you get that first frost over there yet ?? They changed their mind here again, tomorrow 84 and the next a blistering 87, unheard of around here for this time of year. October used to ring in Deer season and the first frost when I was a kid, usually we'd already had a frost before the end of Sept. Crazy weather fer sher, I'm still waiting to take pix of the leaves beginning to fall ??
  4. A .64 much larger than the average 9/16ths (.56-.57) size of most of this type, even w/ a chip, I bet this one fetches like a dog. Just somethin to watch !! LINK :: https://www.ebay.com/itm/275480801791?hash=item4023ef71ff%3Ag%3AamoAAOSwqrpjMKov&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid= Another even rarer bird ; LINK :: https://www.ebay.com/itm/185598434608?hash=item2b36875d30%3Ag%3AXfAAAOSw~p5jNFEl&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=
  5. Ah, it's on the tip of my tongue ... good grief, my brain is in reverse Somebody w/ more braincells than me is gonna see what I see in that last clue and be sable to translate it.
  6. This isn't a real "Beauty" but I did find a few flakes of what is apparent green av along w/ some coppery flakes, agree w/ the OP being Imperial.
  7. x 10, 000, Agree w/ Heaton, pic #'s 2 & 4 really show the trademark "ear"
  8. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BURT " .... ...
  9. Is it Machinemade or Handmade ?? C'mon, gimme some Butter ... ... My heads gettin sore ...
  10. Jabo would be my first, possible Pelt # 2 IMO
  11. Both Akro IMO , second looks like an Akro Lemonade swirl, not sure about the first
  12. x2, agree, master patch, no ox
  13. First Alley swirl, not seeing Bacon, second is Akro milky IMO
  14. Contact @crashbelt here on the board, he has an extensive collection of boards and complete sets of the marble in question.
  15. They just planted them last year, part of the new landscaping I guess ?? If I see em comin up I'll get some starts real quick.
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