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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. ... ????? ... What's the size on those Jason ??? The second colorful one is "outstanding"
  2. Eight vein is common on a cat, 9 vein & Crosthroughs are less common. The mark on the end is from the shears cutting the hot glass as it was was coming out of the gobber. 100% machine made, pontils only appear on handmades, shear marks appear on machine mades. All machine mades marbles are "cut' twice, once on each end of the gob before spilling down onto the rollers.
  3. White Lattacino, so named after the lattice core
  4. Agree w/ Steph, I'm thinking the first one is a mix, the next 5 are newer MK & the last 2 look like Vacor.
  5. All look like Pelt Bananas to me !!
  6. My favorite Pelt Tiger, w/ black ribbons smothered in what is mostly blue av. An outside shot & an inside shot of the same mib.
  7. Just wanted to slip one in early this Sunday My "Sundays Best" Slag
  8. Same here Ric !!! Them mibs is the right ones, GGGGGG !!
  9. Man, that box & bag looks better than the other one, do I smell fish ??? or did someone dig up a bunch of climate controlled non moldy NOS Popeye boxes ??
  10. "Welcome to Marble Connection Shannon" Best place to be I know of, years of accumulated knowledge on marbles and marble related material, w/ board members more than willing to help you out on your journey !! I agree w/ Ric "Jabo" as a manufacture to me also.
  11. Well looks genuine to me, first "new old stock" one of these Popeye boxes I've ever seen. At nearly a hundred years a long time to be laying around. Interested in your input on this one !! LINK : https://www.ebay.com/itm/154796861205?mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=
  12. The yellow and red & the vitro are the only 2 I can positively I.D. the other 4 seem to be borderline cases, not Akro "but"
  13. There may be some Vitro in there also, Hmmm ??
  14. "Happy Akro Friday" Do you see any Akro patches in this bunch ??
  15. Miller = one seam or no seam, anymore than one seam disqualifies it as being called a miller. No name for the one you have that I know of, still a nice mib
  16. Bacon & eggs, tracers, red angels, nice bo's, man you're loaded !!!!!
  17. "Happy Peltier Tuesday" A nice clean shooter Peltier NLR Cubscout, @ exactly .75"
  18. Current auction and link so we can see the end result !! Played w/ so not completely accurate !! LINK : https://www.ebay.com/itm/384672093969?mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid=5338722076&customid=&toolid= On second look these are really hammered on and have some significant hits so maybe no bids will appear ??
  19. Guessing some for of W. Va. swirl, gonna say Alley but ????
  20. "My Sunday Best" @ .83" my biggest and best Akro Superman, probably dug but there's no way for me to be sure on this one !!
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