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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. x2, Agree w/ Art, Pelt Rainbo
  2. Spring is in the air, summers almost here, time to get ready ta catch some nice fresh Columbia River Spring Salmon, Yuuum, yum !! The white spot (L) of my noodle is what's left of Mt. St. Helens, less than a couple months and all the snow will be melted. This pic is from a couple years ago, right now the Mountain and all the foothills are loaded w/ snow but @ 80-90 Deg. F it won't be long.
  3. Seen the dates, I just put the Anacortes in for somethin to drool over, not a very pretty mib IMO but not many produced if yer into that kinda thing. I have a hard time w/ these since there's so many copycats, an in hand marble ID for me.
  4. .... Oh, it's real LINK :: https://www.ebay.com/itm/115129511602?mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid=
  5. A couple Vitro for this "Sundays Best"
  6. LINK :: https://www.billes-en-tete.com/detail.php?id=266
  7. Some Antique German made Joseph Coats for this Sunny "Slags & Swirls Saturday"
  8. "Welcome to Marble Connection Mary" Glad to have you !!!
  9. Chad G.

    3/4 WVS

    x2, Alley, is this the same mib as the other pic ?? Ah ha, yes it is, has the exact same dirt stains ..... "Busted" .....
  10. x2, Leaning Alley also
  11. Agreed, I have a backlight tube that causes twice the fluorescence as LED, some don't even react to the LED as in the case of my sulphides. Under the tube they all fluoresce green only one or 2 fluoresce at all under the LED. I use my tube whenever possible. I'll have a look @ my tube as well as my LED flashlight and see what they say.
  12. x2, classic master colors and not enough colors to be a sparkler .. .. man Steph, your avatar materialized the exact second I posted.
  13. Thinking "maybe" Jabo ??
  14. Are you speaking of "chalkies" Dave?? if so the white residue on those is lie, used as a fire retardant on the floors of all the vintage marble manufacturers. There's a reason there were so many fires "or not" The chalkies were marbles that hit the floor hot off the roller's and landed in the lie, which stuck to them. I would never have known what was on the surface of a chalkie but Ron @wvrons told me a couple years ago, after of course he had me research it to no end. Many things he taught me I'll never forget, I am truly grateful.
  15. Yes, Onion skins "onions" (shown in the 2 pix I posted) are Antique German cane cut marbles, as are all the "glass" Germans (Antique Cane cut) present in your photos. "If" you have any Lutz or aventurine present in any of your german handmades, yes it is desirable. From the pix I can't tell if you do or don't. Condition is always # 1 in marbles as far as value goes ( machine made, handmade or contemporary) I remember when I started collecting, my mentor telling me, condition, condition, condition. There are a few cases where you can have an extremely rare marble and it will still have value but the other 98% as far as value is all condition. I always collect what I like and get the best example possible, the only one you have to make happy is you .. Here is a picture of an onionskin I have loaded w/ lutz, they are a very beautiful marble IMO, the high mint condition makes a big difference in both appearance (clarity) and value.
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