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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Vacor (mega) made in Mexico. Largest marble producer in the world until China got into the act. Some of the older Vacor are coming into their own though, always collect what you like, you're the only you you have to make happy & yes Vacor is still making marbles.
  2. Agree, all Vacor IMO, hang in there
  3. OP is a Vacor Serpent, if it were a Peltier the colors would be correct for a Superman, i.e. Blue base w/ red & yellow ribbons. Classic 6 ribbon Peltier Superman
  4. Vacor makes one similar to a Peltier Superman called a "serpent" either way you have to include the color yellow. In Peltier, orange w/ a blue base is a Superboy and red w/ a blue base is a Spiderman. I believe the OP to be a Vacor Volcano LINK :: https://www.billes-en-tete.com/liste_billes.php?lang=en
  5. x2, Vacor Thunderbolt LINK :: https://www.billes-en-tete.com/liste_billes.php?lang=en
  6. You're right Ric, I knew I had something askew that's why I put IMO in front of that one, my Brain isn't quite what it used to be
  7. "Welcome to Marble Connection Natsuki"
  8. I don't know what it is, had it in an old Pelt folder, I know one thing it's a mess whatever it is. Just going by what it was labeled and sold as. Been in that folder fort @ least 9 years I know of so no clue who it came from or where it went ?? Agree, it does have a MK look (kinda)
  9. First one look's like a Vacor (iridescent shine)
  10. First one looks like a Foreign sparkler no clue on the second, Views of each side of the marble including the seams and measurements in fractions of an inch will really help in making a more positive ID
  11. No slags :: #1. German Handmades #2.Transitional #3. transitional #4. Veiligglas 2-4 are best guesses based on the pix provided
  12. Not sure of the OP ID or the ID of the one I have here, listed as a "Peltier Black Cow" I can't remember where I got the pic ??
  13. Slags always have a transparent base, colored or not the base will remain transparent, i.e. red, green, yellow etc. never opaque base as in the OP
  14. x2, Agree, no Pelt, seeing Master also
  15. Vacor to me, Galaxies' ? That or maybe Chinese ?
  16. Somebody just made a pretty decent score on a Berry Pink, I looked and unless there are some minute pins it's clean, sure it has it's share of asmades, I think all this type do, still pretty HTF now a days in any shape.
  17. LINK :: https://www.ebay.com/itm/304948974988?hash=item470060158c%3Ag%3AZ0IAAOSwkUZkbAdG&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid=
  18. Chad G.


    Looks like Champion to me !!
  19. Vacor (Hench en Mexico) IMO, I can't remember the name right off hand ? Oop !! found it, I think ?? The streamers in the OP don't appear "Pink" but the iridescent shine and orange peel surface are definitely a Vacor trait. LINK :: https://www.billes-en-tete.com/liste_billes.php?lang=en
  20. Any Av. in the green ribbons of this one ?? If so it's a "Pine Needle" if not a regular Bo.
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