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Everything posted by moremarbles4me

  1. Dan took table number 36 if you need one let me know pretty soon Charles
  2. I am truly amazed to find one of my auctions listings being the subject hotly bantered about here on the forum. Last night Hansel indeed did contact me about the auction in question as a friend would if he had a concern about it. I told him inhand the pontils look fine to me. Being concerned about what he told me I contacted a couple of handmade collectors today while I was at work. They said they could not tell from the pictures if the marble had been reworked. I work in the field with no internet so I had no idea this thread was even being discussed until someone called me this afternoon. Do I think the marble has been remelted and the pontils added.....no. Can I explain those scratch like marks Jeroen pointed out....no. If the marble has been reworked would it still have the two small quarter moons I pointed out in my listing. Also would it still have the imperfections in the glass which are common to handmades? Why when I listed this same marble some time back(with a reserve that was not met, hence it being listed again) did'nt someone point this out to me. Right wrong or indifferent I will end the auction. I appreciate the supportive emails sent to me today from board members advising me to be sure and read the forum tonight. Charles
  3. I think they are both reproduction and the listing makes no mention of it Charles
  4. Speaking of Morphy's what do you think about these medals: http://www.ebay.com/itm/LOT-2-STERLING-SILVER-MARBLE-MEDALS-/360778796044?pt=Marbles&hash=item5400178c0c#ht_600wt_1160
  5. Here is some of mine that I have pictures of:
  6. That's my 224 box.............Chad must of stole my picture. LOL That is the bag that came with the box but it may not be the correct bag for the box Charles
  7. How do you know these are fake? Charles
  8. If Gary Huxford wanted the Amana show to continue after he decided this year was his last show he would have passed the torch but he didn't. There is going to be a show this Sept, in Des Moines and next year hotel arrangements have already been made for a show in Des Moines for the weekend in June when Amama is normally held, Myself I plan on going to the Des Moines show as will many from the KC Marble Club. Charles
  9. I could see some/few marbles from one company being found at another companies site, they did buy back and forth. But cullet.....I wouldn't think so.
  10. Tough box to find, I got lucky earlier this year Sorry Steph they don't fluoresce but they are opalescent. The base glass is absolutly full of tiny bubbles, they don't look handgathered to me. Charles
  11. I don't understand them not taking a credit card it's instant payment. They know right then if it's good or not. I paid the morning after the auction with a credit card and it still took 2 1/2 weeks to get my winnings. I bought boxes they were as described but the grading of the marbles in them was lacking.
  12. I would like to thank everyone who attended and helped make this show a success. Huge crowd on show day with lots of marble walking in the front door. One guy walked in with a CA Cobra and only wanted $35 for it untill he found out it's true value. LOL
  13. Ann I have two with a crown and the number ten. Both are printed on popeyes Charles
  14. There is only two weeks left before the cutoff date for making your room reservations. If you reserve a room after the cutoff date(Feb 17) you may not get the discounted room rate. Charles
  15. Bill's right there is a orange crush, I've seen one inhand Charles
  16. I could tell by the tone of your voice when you opened the bidding that you were meant to have that marble. Charles
  17. June 23 Renaissance Tulsa Hotel & Convention Center 6808 S 107 E Ave, Tulsa, Oklahoma Phone 918-307-2600 - Fax 918-307-2907 - renaissancetulsa.com Reservations: 800-264-0165 (mention Tulsa Area Marble Club)
  18. The marble show room rate expires in two weeks so if you plan on attending make your reservations soon. So far we have right at 40 tables reserved for the show. Date: Sunday, March 4, 2012 Place: Holiday Inn Overland Park, 8787 Reeder Road, Overland Park, KS 913.888.8440 Show Times: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. For table information and reservations, contact Charles Williams at 816.532.3299 or [email protected]. For other questions contact Scott McBride at 816.436.3929 or 816.916.9038 or [email protected].
  19. Yes there is such a marble known as a Peltier opaque clown and yes they are hard to come by. Charles
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