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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. You are a tough one πŸ‘My thoughts are with you my brother,
  2. Those are the shiny minty ones. Lol...all the rest don't have it so good πŸ˜‚ Found those red cases in the trash pile at a convention ...πŸ‘
  3. That's a really nice mib πŸ”₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯βœ…οΈ
  4. That is so awesome great to have stuff like that ....
  5. Welcome thanks for sharing your mibs . Nice to m have you about πŸ‘
  6. Very nice....impressive case. That's a lot of purple Popeyes..awesomeness. thanks for sharing πŸ‘
  7. Wow awesome .....we have a fourm for marbleholics ,looks like you are gonna need to visit it . .....lol. What a huge amazing collection of marbles have fun sorting and learning it is a wonderful hobby. Thanks for sharing the pictures of your treasure trove.... And welcome to the marble community πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ
  8. Awesome βœ…οΈπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯
  9. I think they fall apart all on their own...I try not to stare too long at mine ....
  10. Tommy

    Time to Fight

    Good to hear William πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘kick its ass....that looks delicious πŸ˜‹
  11. X2 lifesaver, superman.. Nice ones πŸ”₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯βœ…οΈ
  12. Sweeeeeeet.......I thought so thanks for the conformation.
  13. .96 to .98 in size... Came in a lot mostly pelts with this score and an old beat up marble bag. I only have a handful of big Pelt's 🀞
  14. Looks like it to me Ric...clear base right colors...πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯βœ…οΈ
  15. That's a nice full coverage Master πŸ’₯βœ…οΈ
  16. I had a blast last year in at the vegas show. Learned soon much just talking and looking at the high end marbles. Gonna try to hit reno in October 🀞 Well worth it...πŸ˜ƒ
  17. Ohhhh man ....you got the πŸ”₯ that's awesome man
  18. What a great mib....πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯βœ…οΈβ˜οΈ
  19. hi Ric. Now that i have my glasses..... not jabo....lol agree with Ric
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