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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. Thought it was cool for 5 bucks ....no date or anything I can find..got a couple more can't find em ....ugg...
  2. Thanks ..Looked at the zebras in the picture and hoped for one to have some av and not all banged up . But all loaded. And shiny.... I'll get some good pics for Tuesday ..
  3. Score ....took a shot with this group of marbles . Uv green and yellow popeye πŸ‘in really nice shape. A heard of av loaded zebra πŸ¦“ a couple have some blue undertone πŸ˜ƒand looks like av in the blue . Stoked ..big ol vitro. Lots of vitro and mk cats ..a few bogards πŸ‘ and a bunch of pelt 🍌 ..and a rubber ball.. And the group of yellow and green patches ..Pelt or Akro..I'll post one in id section πŸ‘
  4. Thanks Art πŸ‘ They are extremely heavy like you said they fell built to last lol.... Toe breaker is a perfect name .
  5. πŸ’₯ that's Akro Friday βœ…οΈ
  6. That's a tough one . I see why the twisted pelt is an option.. But you are probably right on the swirl...
  7. Thanks for the conformation...πŸ‘
  8. Nice one πŸ”₯..πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ‘
  9. 1.93in.. Vacors? Picked up these over a year ago found them in a box of mibs I bought when I first started buying mibs ..😜 Did they make lots of these ? Thanks for looking πŸ‘
  10. Thank you Ron for the effort to bring this incredible information to everyoneπŸ‘..this is great info . The pics make it all come together
  11. Tommy

    3 for ID

    Nice ones Joep πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ‘
  12. Imho ..I believe it is a πŸ”₯.... or really really close....πŸ˜ƒ I think it has to have at least 4 flame tips to officially qualify
  13. Agree x3 with the identification given above....πŸ˜ƒ
  14. Ric is blowing it up today....🀯 Nice ones πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ‘
  15. Looks like a slag to me also. Nice oneπŸ’₯πŸ‘
  16. Tommy

    2 for ID

    Im with Ric πŸ‘, colors look a little off for Master, πŸ€”
  17. I have seen "Rick Simpson oil" work wonders for a few of my friends πŸ‘
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