The right hand one is a Jabo---factory made.
The middle one is a Vacor "Van Gogh".
The cat is an asian example--just a big one.
Nice marbles!
All opinons are welcome and appreciated.
Upper right-Vacor "Tidal Wave"
Lower right-Jabo--Factory run.
The two an the left are some make of WVS imho.
All opinions are welcomed and appreciated.
I just love a good “Coral”.
I hesitate to ID any of them because I collect the colors. I could really care less about the makers
The first image that you show would not end up in my collection of “Corals”. The others would though---.
I am still on a size rant today.
I agree that the left hand one may be an Akro--or not---
I would consider them both to be "Bricks"--
The right hand one is hand-gathered imho--there is just a bunch of white is invloved--very cool!!-Very cooool!!
Nice save!!
I love a good saved "Brick"
I like the size--LOL.
The white glows Yellow is my guess? (well if the blue glowed it would be a first for me).
Nice marble--the blue is just killer--no ID from me--worth a comment though.
Size matters--Always.
Many companys used UV reactive glass in the cullet that they used for production.
I am not getting a "Pistachio" feel from these that you posted.
If these are under 5/8" I would say Ravenswood.
I do suck at WVS ID so--
Many more opinions are needed and welcomed.
Nice marbles!!
This one is a Peltier, no doubt in my mind.
The black may show some AV--slim but it is there.
I never judge a Pelt by AV content so it is moot regardless.
I appreciate all opinions and look for some more to be posted.
I have to mention Vacor "Rooster".
They really will throw a loop into any red slag ID.
I will agree with Ric though. The white looks like it is a recipe to me.
Nice marble!!