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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. This thread is a bit wierd Joe2. They all deserve a seperate post in the iD section. The last one is a Master--nice one. Marble--On!!
  2. Kudos for sure to Chad. Thanks bumblebee for keeping us safe here---you rock as well!! Marble--on!!
  3. I will admit--I am starting to struggle a bit too. Marble--on--until we cannot.
  4. My spam filter stopped all 100--get one. Adblocker Utimate likes Firefox if you add it. Marble--On!!
  5. I will admit that this one threw me for a loop. I had to get the microscopic headgear out for this one. The AV is in a line between the green and the darker—olive drab green. There is a bit of Ox mixed in. It has to be a Jabo. This is a small one that rivals any----any, of the bigger ones that I have ever seen. This one is just in between 9/16” and 5/8”. No idea of the run—maybe a fluke? The seller had a polished “Sparker”( hate it—just hate to see it) in with this lot—the seller lost—I won! And that “Sparkler” will never see the light of day again. You just never know do ya? Money well spent. Marble—On!!!
  6. The "Canadian" thing is stiif up for grabs Joe2. The marketing question is a good point with these. It is a nice marble. The one above it--the blue and white one--well it just curls my hammer toes a bit further. I jusy love it and I hope that you get some answers--if not, post it in the ID section---just a killer marble. Marble--on!!
  7. That top one is just a very nice colored one Dave13. Love it—a very beautiful marble. Great images!! Marble—On!!
  8. Vacor---"Neptune". Nice lookers these--kinda like a blue "Rooster". Marble--On!!
  9. akroorka

    7/8 ?

    I would sort this one as a Vitro. Marble--On!!
  10. If I was forced to ID this one I would say its a MFC slag. Marble--On!!
  11. The top two are swirls imho. I do not see any Pelts amongst the others. The swirls are all WVS of some type---more opinions are needed here. Nice marbles! Marble--On!!
  12. The top left looks a bit muted for an Akro, it could be a Master. Vitro had a green like this, Patches are tuff. I would probably sort the bright green ones as Akro but then again, I want them all to be Akro😁. Marble--On!!
  13. The bottom left may be a swirl. The top left looks like a hand gathered slag as well as the top right one. The bottom right is a slag. It could be hand gathered as well--hard to say. Marble--On!!
  14. The first one is an older MK "Girl Scout"--nice marble! Is the second one even a MK?---Yes it probably is--but?? Marble--on!!
  15. Nice job! Well worth a bump. Marble--on!!
  16. Lets just end this thread and repost it in a better light. marble--on!!
  17. "Care-o" from my mom--we used to poor that stuff on "Waffles" with tons of butter----not any more--for years and years any more. The sweets have lost their touch with me for a long time.
  18. Funny thing--that is just the way I imagined you.---Where is the Fire? We will have to be putting up with a one armed "Fire" for awhile. How will we all cope? Get well my friend and I hope that all goes well with that shoulder surgery. Marble—On!!
  19. Nice one Fire. Marble--on!!
  20. This one is an Akro--no doubt. marble--on!!
  21. Ric, as well as all of us----- spend our time doing our best here. It is always our best opinion--right or wrong. Respect is the thing that we all consider in all of our posts here. The written word has no real question about emotion but it has to be considered before it is posted. Edit before your posts and consider it from a variety of angles before you post it—I always try to do so and I do fail sometimes, I will admit. You did well to reconsider and you posted a great response. My hat is off to you for that! Thank you--- and of course— Marble—On!!
  22. This helps. It is not the Akro “Oxblood Patch” that we are all familiar with. There is no oxblood in the OP or the nicer images that you posted. I have never been able to sort these as any named Vitro. I do believe that it could be a Vitro lacking in some other colors. Marble—On!!
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