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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. Nope, not imho--- Marble on!!
  2. I wonder, many of the old "Germans" had a slight UV glow to them. Did any of the older handgathered show this? Thanks Ric-- Marble--On!!
  3. The two on the bottom remind me of some of the late years from Akro, the top left could be included. More opinions are needed. Marble--On!!
  4. Top right—Master Top left—I want to call it a Vitro Lower left—Master. Lower right---well, it could be anything—a cool one though. Marble—On!!
  5. The bottom left does not fit--it may be a Vitro. The other three are either Akro or Master imho. I think that you have the Akros ID'd pretty well here. I appreciate all opinions. Marble--On!!
  6. I think that the bottom two on the right may be Jabo. The others need some further opinions. Marble--On!!
  7. Nice marbles and worth a bump! The right hand one is not an Akro Cork imho. I am thinking that it may be a Vitro or a very nice Jabo. All opinions are welcomed and appreciated. Marble—On!!
  8. Could be--- Here are a bunch of Champions to compare with.
  9. Welcome to the Marble Connection Standbyme, Benningtons from your Dad--Very cool. I would put them back in the jar as remembrances. These are collectable, mostly as a cool display in a variety of instances and with a variety of folks. There are some that show more or odd colors that are desired by marble collectors. I agree with Al --these are quite common. Show us what else you have and expect the best of ID's on them. Once again, welcome to you and as always-- Marble--On!!
  10. That is a nice find and and a very nice ID as well. Marble--On!!
  11. It looks "Opal" to me------- Marble--On!!
  12. I agree with "maybe"--the best that I have on this one. Marble--On!!
  13. I agree no Pelt here. A wvs for sure though. No guesses from me. Marble--On!!
  14. LOL Chad, good retort. I have to read more and look less. I stand corrected big bro. Thanks for having my back. Marble—On!!
  15. If it is your first show--pack your wits and guard your enthusiasm. Prepare yourself with all that you need. Fanny packs are old school but they come in handy at a show—along with a backpack. Ask before you pick up anything--just do not drop them--LOL. Nuff said!! Marble--On!!
  16. That is a nice marble and well worth collecting imho. I hope that you get some more input. Marble--On!!
  17. Not a Popeye my marble collecting friend. "Killer Corkscrew" works for me--Just "Killer" Marble--On!!
  18. Yes, it has been. It will do this and then fire up again. Until it fires up--you will have to deal with me--LOL, I check this place twice or three times a day. This is the only place that I post---I just love this stuff and this place. There may be a big show rearing it's head. Folks get fired up for that. Marble--On!!
  19. Your first image is really the only “true image” Lastfling. Here is the thing with Akro “Sparklers”. I think that many get locked in to a certain look and certain color combos. I advise you to research the full boxes that are in collections, rare but available to see and inspect on the interweb and a few books as well. This is where books come in handy. Most of the books are older, when boxes like these were “more available”. Many of these boxes have passed hands since these books were printed but the farther back you go with boxes—the better. The color combos that you may find in the research may make you think that the one on the right may be an Akro imho. This is just my opinion and I always respect the opinions of others. Marble—On!!
  20. This is a very nice Akro Corkscrew---nice find!! A very nice marble!! Count the colors and let us know how many. I see three or four counting the white--of course. Marble--On!!
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