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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. That is a nice discovery. The glow, I never would have thought that amber had a glow to it. I had to run and see what the wife’s collection had in it. Here is a cool one. That was an excellent purchase. Marble—On!!
  2. Don't rule out Champion with this one. Marble--On!!
  3. It all depends on the monitor that you are using and the colors that it is showing with this one. I see all of the colors that wormie is describing along with a bit-o-white. I would not call this one a Jabo--WVS imho--no maker from me. I appreciate all opinions and welcome some more. Marble--On!!
  4. I have seen those colors in a MK. This one is a little wonky. I suck at names but it worth a bump! Marble--On!!
  5. Me too--nice looker! Marble--On!!
  6. I am not sure about all of the colors of Acme Realors but the black ones are with opal base glass. Nice marble----PPP. Marble--On!!
  7. The left one is a Vitro imho. The right one I would blame on MK, not so sure though. Could be a Vitro. Marble--On!!
  8. akroorka

    4 jabo?

    That is a weird green color that I see in Vacor marbles alot. No idea really. Nice find. Marble--On!!
  9. X2--nice red in that one. Marble--On!!
  10. akroorka


    The red and white one could be a weak Vacor "USA". The other one is an obvious mistake, so hard to tell. (how did frog eggs get inside of a marble?😁) Marble--On!!
  11. It looks like a MK to me--Nice find! "Backlight them all" is my motto. Marble--On!!
  12. Yes they are. Marble--On!!
  13. "Corals" are an argument type for sure. This is a collectors name as far as I know and no company marketed them as such imho. Several companies made them, including Champion, Alley and CAC and a few made them that did not intend on this color. They can vary quite a bit in coverage and base color such as transparent vs almost opaque and opaque as well. Zaboo posted some great images—(really great images) I just love them for sure! Zaboo was around when I was a rookie and I hope to see some more of this respected collectors' takes on the ID’s on this format, along with some more great images. I just collect anything that looks like it has a “coral” color to it and I could care less what company made them. (I suck at WVS ID, try and fail—but keep on going) The color is the thing to me—not the value. Here are a few that I have collected over the years. Marble—On!!
  14. "Twisted with Blue Ribbons. Peltier Rainbo possibly? Thanks:)" This one took some work--great ID on your part. Marble--On!!
  15. Yes, Champion made peewees. I wish that I could tell you that these are Champions but I cannot. All Peewee sized marbles are a rare find, even in the later makes and models. Nice find! Four of them is a great find! More opinions are needed on the maker. Marble--on!!
  16. Nice story--love it! Keep it going and Marble--On!!
  17. The OP is a WVS--no maker from me. No Pelt or CAC imho. Marble--On!!
  18. Ummm, possible Pelt MCS? I respect all opinions. Marble--On!!
  19. We all learn here, everyday! Keep on learning--- Marble On!!
  20. This is worth a bump to @Chad G.. Marble--On!!
  21. Nice AV loaded "Zebra" imho. Marble--On!!
  22. akroorka


    X2 Nice finds in this day and age. Marble--On!!
  23. I can agree with Pelt here. It may have been stuck in the house furnace burner for awhile though. Many cool marbles are found in old house furnaces and their workings, this one may have made its way all the way down to the burner. Marble—On!!
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